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  1. NowandaZ

    Me vs _killerboy

    I wouls go p4 too if Foxcraft wouldn't kick me whole the time for hacks I don't have
  2. NowandaZ

    Foxcraft PvP Montage (my first montage)

    Good video, but don't call it a PvP montage when there's only like one minute PvP and 2mins showing of the map
  3. NowandaZ

    Team Recruitment - Banditos

    Do you really call yourself one of the best pvpers hahaha and 'stay oe you get kicked'... You can't kick people who left bruhh
  4. NowandaZ

    Prison reset yay or nay?

  5. NowandaZ

    Watch people that never play prison apply for guard when it resets

    Watch people that never play prison apply for guard when it resets
  6. NowandaZ

    Prison reset yay or nay?

    Reseeeeeet prison really needs it
  7. NowandaZ

    I smell a ********** hmmm

    I smell a ********** hmmm
  8. NowandaZ

    We're both newbies now

    We're both newbies now
  9. NowandaZ

    Factions Server Reset

    Awesome! Can't wait for the reset :D