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  1. 1NS4N1TY_MC

    at this point we can all agree that blondes are stupid (jk) and I am a high class young man so...

    at this point we can all agree that blondes are stupid (jk) and I am a high class young man so shhhhhh itzrainbowixgabz get off ur period young lady
  2. 1NS4N1TY_MC

    New helpers!

    That's a bit to optimistic a lot of them r randies
  3. 1NS4N1TY_MC

    Forum Game | Weirdest Dream

    That's not the only thing it ate ;)
  4. 1NS4N1TY_MC

    Forum Game | Weirdest Dream

    U kinky dog / hyena fetish nastyyyyy "being eaten alive by a hyena" Furry nasty
  5. 1NS4N1TY_MC

    Forum Game | Weirdest Dream

    Uhmmm mine isn't "age appropriate" so yeah if u know what I meannnn jk no jk @FemaleStaff jk
  6. 1NS4N1TY_MC

    If a random person says blondes are stupid you would commit suicide? Well then ur mentally...

    If a random person says blondes are stupid you would commit suicide? Well then ur mentally unstable as it is
  7. 1NS4N1TY_MC

    How to play

    I don't understand how u round the forums before you found the server????
  8. 1NS4N1TY_MC

    Factions Universal Ranks?

    Ranks used to be universal but now they aren't so for example if u buy foxking on factions it's only on factions
  9. 1NS4N1TY_MC

    New helpers!

    In my opinion I think only @Remierik @EKplaysMC // Eric and @JPlay08 deserve helper cuz everyone else is a randy and I haven't heard of them like eftro is that ur ign cuz I've been on the server for 3-4 years and haven't heard of u??? But anyways congrats more scumbag staff came. Eric u better...
  10. 1NS4N1TY_MC

    Crazy PvP Combo

    Are you some sort of dumbo look up at what I said
  11. 1NS4N1TY_MC


    I got severe depression the first time I ever saw that
  12. 1NS4N1TY_MC

    creative help

    I mean there is a waiting list so I mean idk
  13. 1NS4N1TY_MC

    creative help

    Np bb
  14. 1NS4N1TY_MC

    Little Rant

    ** but anyways it's not supposed to be degrading and ur not supposed to take this to heart @Anniee
  15. 1NS4N1TY_MC

    creative help

    /skull (ign)
  16. 1NS4N1TY_MC

    Little Rant

    Do u not think its funny cuz ur blonde?? Btw I don't think blondes r dumb it's a meme
  17. 1NS4N1TY_MC

    A thank you... (all staff/most former staff are included)

  18. 1NS4N1TY_MC

    Little Rant

    LMFAO IM DONE I said blondes are stupid as a joke lmao get off ur period and take a joke
  19. 1NS4N1TY_MC

    Death Row

    If ur going to die u can pray to him after u meet him up there
  20. 1NS4N1TY_MC

    Death Row

    You would eat a donkey?? Jackass.... Ba dum tsss