Search results

  1. ShadowIT

    What language/languages can you speak?

    No problem! I like to help you!
  2. ShadowIT

    What language/languages can you speak?

    I talk portuguese and english. I am portuguese @TotalMM you said: English, learn portuguese. You should say: Inglês, aprendendo português It's a difference between present simple and continuous Sorry if i am boring teacher
  3. ShadowIT

    Kit PVP

    Welcome! :)
  4. ShadowIT

    Print screen

    Now i have print sreen with @11kobeer and also of his great work on the spawn of @MechPotato See them here:!Aq_kZluh_aSPomYGBPtztt8oxf9b I also have print screen with @JPlay08 / @cloakfox / @MechPotato / @Snoop / @11kobeer
  5. ShadowIT

    I can't click on the compass at the hub

    Oh! Thanks for the info!
  6. ShadowIT

    I can't click on the compass at the hub

    You can always type the code /skywars, /opprison, /fcove to join any server. While that bug is not fixed you should use the commands I told you. If you don't know any server join command you can ask to me :) I also reported this bug to @cloakfox and he fixed it. If the error persists you should...
  7. ShadowIT

    JJJJust goofing around with Shaders

    Yeah. It's very beautiful! But I think Foxcraft needs Halloween spawns, decorations, discounts and something related.
  8. ShadowIT

    Sell Hand

    Please post this on the Suggestions Forum. Not here. There is a template to follow. Your suggestion can be accepted or not. :)
  9. ShadowIT

    false banned

    This is not the right place to make your appeal. Please open a thread in Appeals section following this template:
  10. ShadowIT


    Hello everyone! How you know @cloakfox is making a new OP-prison. I can say you that he new update is great: new spawn and pvp arena, new systems and a reset obviously because the players were too op. Expect too much for his this upgrade! It will be released in 21 October (friday). You can also...
  11. ShadowIT

    Progress on new Op-Prison!

    It's so beautiful!!! Congrats @cloakfox you rearly deserve it xD
  12. ShadowIT

    Print screen

    Print screen with @MechPotato and @Faast !! See it here:!Aq_kZluh_aSPol2naWY2ePqdrO2V I also have with @cloakfox / @Snoop / @JPlay08
  13. ShadowIT

    Print screen

    Sorry I didn't understand :(
  14. ShadowIT

    Print screen

    Print screen with @JPlay08 gg See it here:!Aq_kZluh_aSPolsgzjEIkl6uWfO7 I also have with @cloakfox / @MechPotato and now with @JPlay08
  15. ShadowIT

    Print screen

    GG print screen with @cloakfox Here it is:!Aq_kZluh_aSPok9qTxO6wiMkOL_b @MechPotato now i have 2 prints xD
  16. ShadowIT

    Print screen

    Print with @MechPotato!!!