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  1. ShadowIT


    Hi. Welcome to the forums!
  2. ShadowIT

    OP-Prison reset!

    Use this rank prefix to all servers. And make something to gang plugin. It is very bugged. Also remove flydisbaler in the mines
  3. ShadowIT

    Sell Hand

  4. ShadowIT

    Sure xD *teach *portuguese

    Sure xD *teach *portuguese
  5. ShadowIT

    Não faz mal xD

    Não faz mal xD
  6. ShadowIT

    Isso é português? Se sim: Muito obrigado

    Isso é português? Se sim: Muito obrigado
  7. ShadowIT


    Oh ok thanks! What do you need from me? And when will you do?
  8. ShadowIT


    But can you remove does gfx lol and tempo?
  9. ShadowIT


  10. ShadowIT

    Lets see how high we can count!!!

  11. ShadowIT


    So can you make me one like sugar caen with "Shadow" and myou skin?
  12. ShadowIT

    Some appreciation ...

    I like it!
  13. ShadowIT

    Print screen

    Me too
  14. ShadowIT

    Print screen

    Yup! But @TotalMM is importante to me because i am helping hime learning portuguese
  15. ShadowIT

    Print screen

    GG Print sreen with @TotalMM I am also helping him learning portuguese See it here:!Aq_kZluh_aSPonkoS1IUCJkKGfAO I also have with: @cloakfox / @MechPotato / @JPlay08 / @Snoop / @11kobeer
  16. ShadowIT


  17. ShadowIT


    I love this!!!! Can you make me one? How much i pay?
  18. ShadowIT

    YouTube Rank?

    Sorry. We were writing at the same time. But my answer have how to obtain it and the equivalent rank.
  19. ShadowIT

    YouTube Rank?

    Yes there is. You can see if you have the requirements to have it this thread: If you have feel free to pm @cloakfox The youtuber rank is equivalent to skyfox rank, but with the tag YouTuber.
  20. ShadowIT

    Print screen

    New print screen with @cloakfox to my collection! See it here:!Aq_kZluh_aSPomgg44vfknQw6Nbd GG