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  1. Delilah04


    Tumblr One gotta go: eyes hands arms legs
  2. Delilah04

    Forum Game | Corrupt a Wish!

    Granted, but you would fail in life and you won't be able to afford a gaming system or games. I wish I was a millionaire.
  3. Delilah04

    Forum Game | Corrupt a Wish!

    Granted, but around the first 5 days a nasty wind storm comes and you fly off the planet. I wish I could become an Internet webstar.
  4. Delilah04

    Forum Game | Corrupt a Wish!

    Granted, but as soon as you become him you lose his entire following and become an unfunny loser who lives in a kenmore box. I wish I could make people's dreams come true.
  5. Delilah04

    Forum Game | Corrupt a Wish!

    Granted, but the legacy will be of you killing innocent people who did nothing for no reason. I wish I could see through walls.
  6. Delilah04

    Forum Game | Corrupt a Wish!

    Granted, but the only wishes that come true are the dark ones you regret saying. [eg: I want to die] I wish I could be as strong as hulk. (EDIT: I know someone answered snw while I was writing my answer but he didn't leave a wish to corrupt.)
  7. Delilah04

    My mom took every electronic I own and this is all I could find

    My mom took every electronic I own and this is all I could find
  8. Delilah04

    So I think my only way to connect to u guys is my I phone 4 that's connected to potato internet RIP

    So I think my only way to connect to u guys is my I phone 4 that's connected to potato internet RIP
  9. Delilah04

    Ikr I just managed to get on I gtg bye I'll be on now and then btw tell Slappy for me <3 she'll...

    Ikr I just managed to get on I gtg bye I'll be on now and then btw tell Slappy for me <3 she'll be worried
  10. Delilah04

    Okay guys I'm grounded from everything for a while so I won't be on for a week or 2 I'll try to...

    Okay guys I'm grounded from everything for a while so I won't be on for a week or 2 I'll try to sneak on though
  11. Delilah04

    MostWantedV2 Gang Application Requirements

    Yes let me tag a staff member sorry @Baest ,but can you close this thread before more people can post farm applications even though we didn't ask for them?
  12. Delilah04

    Browsing through YouTube and found this kid who's got skill

    Browsing through YouTube and found this kid who's got skill
  13. Delilah04

    MostWantedV2 Gang Application Requirements

    Ikr lol. Ugh I will but you know I don't 1v1 without what I usually pvp with well lol.
  14. Delilah04

    Dear Foxcraft,

    Well I guess she wouldn't mind she gets that quite a bit lol, and I'm glad someone else has seen her around so I'm not the only one :)
  15. Delilah04

    Sorry for my inactiveness in the past two days I've had family matters to deal with.

    Sorry for my inactiveness in the past two days I've had family matters to deal with.
  16. Delilah04

    Spamming Senpai_2Hawk

    This is the incorrect section please post in the correct section link here: Then, click on create thread and post this there.
  17. Delilah04

    Dear Foxcraft,

    Wow, now that you talk about it I'm starting to realize how many memories I have with my friends from when I first started playing till now. One of my best friends on here doesn't have a forums account, so I can't tag her, but I'll talk about her. SlappyAlberto also known as TheWalkingDead07 has...
  18. Delilah04

    MostWantedV2 Gang Application Requirements

    Welp I'm grounded right now but when I get on I will decide if you have made it or not.
  19. Delilah04

    MostWantedV2 Gang Application Requirements

    That was a real app?
  20. Delilah04

    Chloe you're 12 0_0 welp another surprise for me today

    Chloe you're 12 0_0 welp another surprise for me today