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  1. Delilah04

    Like as in what I remember?

    Like as in what I remember?
  2. Delilah04

    Yes I do

    Yes I do
  3. Delilah04

    Yey the Seahawks won somehow xD

    Yey the Seahawks won somehow xD
  4. Delilah04

    So you like the Cowboys?

    So you like the Cowboys?
  5. Delilah04

    Ugh the Seahawks are losing RIP

    Ugh the Seahawks are losing RIP
  6. Delilah04

    Donut you sing like an angel <3

    Donut you sing like an angel <3
  7. Delilah04

    Forum Game | Corrupt a Wish!

    Granted, but he figures out to hack your account and he steals it. I wish that there were no poisons in the world
  8. Delilah04

    I went to a baseball game then it got canceled because of a severe thunderstorm rip. Just my...

    I went to a baseball game then it got canceled because of a severe thunderstorm rip. Just my luck xD. Not to mention my team lost.
  9. Delilah04

    Forum Game | Corrupt a Wish!

    Granted, but it gets so much hate that it must be deleted and you become banned from the forums. Then you hide in an abandoned barn and bawl for the rest of your life. I wish I could read any book I want whenever I want.
  10. Delilah04

    Yo I'm back fam

    Welcome back! I've never met you but I hope I will thorugh this server.
  11. Delilah04

    Forum Game | Corrupt a Wish!

    Granted, but you hear everyone's mind whether you want to or not, and you end up wearing a tinfoil hat. I wish I could become the smartest person in the world.
  12. Delilah04

    Lol it's easy just /ignore them like I do of they are being a pain

    Lol it's easy just /ignore them like I do of they are being a pain
  13. Delilah04

    Crap I think I'm addicted to another form of social media that's just great

    Crap I think I'm addicted to another form of social media that's just great
  14. Delilah04

    This corrupt a wish thing is making me laugh my *** off lol

    This corrupt a wish thing is making me laugh my *** off lol
  15. Delilah04

    Forum Game | Corrupt a Wish!

    Granted, but you fall asleep mid completion every time you do something. I wish I could transform into a car. I'm running out of ideas so my wishes will be stupid. Granted, but youre a Kobe cow which means your meat is worshiped and you'll be shipped in different places after being...
  16. Delilah04

    Forum Game | Corrupt a Wish!

    Granted, but everyone would go into anarchy on the first day, causing the earth to crumble. I wish I could remember anything.
  17. Delilah04

    Forum Game | Corrupt a Wish!

    Granted, but everything you created would have a major flaw some that could even kill you. I wish that I could speak all languages.
  18. Delilah04

    Forum Game | Corrupt a Wish!

    Granted, but every time you stopped time you age 5 years. I wish I could heal anyone.
  19. Delilah04

    What do you mean by "shop in skyblock through use"? If you could revise this I should be able to...

    What do you mean by "shop in skyblock through use"? If you could revise this I should be able to help you
  20. Delilah04

    A thank you... (all staff/most former staff are included)

    I will miss seeing you on the staff team. I remember when we found that game breaking glitch, and you helped me report it so it wasn't public, and the glitch was fixed that day because you contacted the people who would fix it. I'm probably going to have a hard time getting used to the fact you...