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  1. knightvincent


    I really like these ideas! this would make factions way better then ever before! I hope the players will come back here! +1 to this! @cloakfox
  2. knightvincent


    Anyone knows what is up with vote links? There. Were 3 now Just 1.. which isnt working for me.
  3. knightvincent

    Can u ask brady about koth on factions? I like to see it working thank u!

    Can u ask brady about koth on factions? I like to see it working thank u!
  4. knightvincent

    Support Tickets & Staff Applications!

    u know I see tickes but it is empty ? no special place to apply?
  5. knightvincent

    New Helpers!

    I am the most active XD And I only have seen 2/3 of them online at whole fox -.-
  6. knightvincent

    New Helpers!

    And again I'm gonna cry myself to sleep for the coming 3 months...
  7. knightvincent

    Staff Applications: Open

    I AM so exited for a another chance I wonder who has become staff!!! :D!
  8. knightvincent

    Ingame ranks linked to the forums! And new /f war gamemodes! (KOTHS, CTF, TDM)

    keep waiting cloak is doing the bestest he can to make it all work out well for you guys in the main time please calm down and let him do his work :D!
  9. knightvincent

    Ingame ranks linked to the forums! And new /f war gamemodes! (KOTHS, CTF, TDM)

    No worries everyone we all make mistakes and fix them later
  10. knightvincent

    Ingame ranks linked to the forums! And new /f war gamemodes! (KOTHS, CTF, TDM)

    then I can't help you man U could try to make an bug report to say its bugged and have to be fixed they will look at it :D!
  11. knightvincent

    Ingame ranks linked to the forums! And new /f war gamemodes! (KOTHS, CTF, TDM)

    foxking works not on all server games here If u buy it for factions U only have it at faction magma and faction cove Or buy it on skywars/skyblock and u have it on vulcan and glacier but not at factions its a different gameplay... so if u want it there u need to buy it there...
  12. knightvincent

    Ingame ranks linked to the forums! And new /f war gamemodes! (KOTHS, CTF, TDM)

    I would rater REMOVE the comments like /god and /fly its to op ingame My legit base with so many oby got raided because gamemasterdk used /god on my roof and shoot tnt at the base and there is nothing I could do? u want to play that way? make it legit block by block no fly no god just like...
  13. knightvincent

    [Guide] Customizable Forums

    I did not see I just saw it when i readed this apply GOOD JOB!
  14. knightvincent


    thnx for the information !
  15. knightvincent

    Finally completed parkour :D

  16. knightvincent

    Finally completed parkour :D

    yeah its and hard parkour congratss mate! the jumbs are so hard to make sometimes!
  17. knightvincent

    Skyblock Mcmmo

    i can't buy it got no credits etc
  18. knightvincent

    Save island server glacier

    ??? wut..? but welcome i quess..
  19. knightvincent

    never give up

    yes welcome enjoy playing