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  1. Masterwolf070

    This is so weird xD but a fun story.

    This is so weird xD but a fun story.
  2. Masterwolf070

    Who is your favourite staff member?

    In the thread I say that I could not fit every staff member in because the poll had a limit.
  3. Masterwolf070

    I am really sorry, hope your not offended xD

    I am really sorry, hope your not offended xD
  4. Masterwolf070

    Who is your favourite staff member?

    Whoops my fault, edited it out.
  5. Masterwolf070

    [Poll] Skywars LAG

    I only have lag when there are more people online, in the morning you have a lot less lag.
  6. Masterwolf070


    Welcome to the forums.
  7. Masterwolf070

    Yaaay, @Jaywiz ツ is following me!!

    Yaaay, @Jaywiz ツ is following me!!
  8. Masterwolf070

    Who is your favourite staff member?

    Recently I changed my status and asked who your favourite staff member is. And @Baest came up with the idea to make a poll on the Offtopic section on the forum, so I did. (I am sorry I didn't add everybody, Micmm, C20bezerk and all the helpers I didn't add because I coudn't add more people to...
  9. Masterwolf070

    @iRobot_ First staff member to not choose herself self

    @iRobot_ First staff member to not choose herself self
  10. Masterwolf070

    I did it!

  11. Masterwolf070

    @Snoop The amazingness of PG is unbelievable.

    @Snoop The amazingness of PG is unbelievable.
  12. Masterwolf070

    Great idea @Baest

    Great idea @Baest
  13. Masterwolf070

    Lolol, every staff voting for him self.

    Lolol, every staff voting for him self.
  14. Masterwolf070

    Whoops , sorry @Baest will never happen again <3

    Whoops , sorry @Baest will never happen again <3
  15. Masterwolf070

    Who is your favourite staff?

    Who is your favourite staff?
  16. Masterwolf070


    Lol, dat mag je ook maar de skyboxen server is even onder maintenance. En probeer Engels te praten omdat een groot deel van deze community Engels praat. (Skyblock is als het goed is weer up)
  17. Masterwolf070

    KitPvP v2 (better resolution)

    Nice video man, keep on making them.
  18. Masterwolf070

    hi, this is a cool server this is the coolest skyblock!

    Welcome man, hope I will see you ingame.
  19. Masterwolf070

    That sounds horrible hope you get better soon.

    That sounds horrible hope you get better soon.
  20. Masterwolf070


    Hi man, welcome to the forums. I hope you will enjoy Foxcraft and see you ingame in the future.