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  1. Masterwolf070

    Can you make me op....

    Can you make me op....
  2. Masterwolf070

    Am i stupid

  3. Masterwolf070

    Majbi It was acident. I lucky

    Majbi It was acident. I lucky
  4. Masterwolf070

    Nice, school already started for me.

    Nice, school already started for me.
  5. Masterwolf070

    Got unbanned!!!

    Got unbanned!!!
  6. Masterwolf070

    Got Banned For no reason by console while 1v1 @Sabotage_ -.- (I even lost)

    Got Banned For no reason by console while 1v1 @Sabotage_ -.- (I even lost)
  7. Masterwolf070


    Lmao I died form that end
  8. Masterwolf070

    Hello, its KingWaffle <3<3

    Hi welcome to the server even though you have been on the server for 6 months (your stats say 3 months) So welcome to the forums
  9. Masterwolf070


    I am confused...
  10. Masterwolf070

    HELLO!I love this server!

    Remember that cloakfox said it, it's around 3 months not sure.
  11. Masterwolf070

    Hello. I am a person that loves the server.

    I see that you are a fan of undertale.
  12. Masterwolf070

    Am I a nobody, or do people know/recognice me from forums/server

    Am I a nobody, or do people know/recognice me from forums/server
  13. Masterwolf070

    expert minecrafter

    Lol, 10/10 introduction!
  14. Masterwolf070

    Hello. I am a person that loves this server and i play minecraft all the time.

    Hi, welcome to the forums! (I love this server 2)
  15. Masterwolf070

    HELLO!I love this server!

    It doesn't really depend on how long you play (unless you have played for a month) but it's more importante how long you have played on Foxcraft it self. You Will have to wait for a few months though because helpers applications open every 3 months.
  16. Masterwolf070

    just so u know it flooded where i live.

    Hope you and all the other people in that area recover. I wish you the best of luck
  17. Masterwolf070


    You start up minecraft, go to multyplayer, click on add server and add the ip: Dubbel click on the server and then choose a gamemode that you would like to play; prison, factions, skywars, skyblock, kitpvp, creative or survival
  18. Masterwolf070

    Happy bday Sprinkled

    Happy bday Sprinkled
  19. Masterwolf070


  20. Masterwolf070


    Lol, welcome to the server! Hope you will stay long on the server because you just started.