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  1. Cat_Lover44

    Christmas // Festive Events

    Sounds fun, can’t attend it due to time zones, good luck everyone!
  2. Cat_Lover44

    Are we ever going to see Kitpvp 1.8 make a return ?

    Lqrenzo for helper? I think that’s a great idea
  3. Cat_Lover44

    Foxcraft Survival is officialy dead

    Ayxub there are PLENTY of ways to also get rich easily. Some farms obviously, but also, you can vote everyday and if you get on the leaderboard you get bonus vp. Vp = money for the shop. You can also participate in events. I get that you think things are dying, which I don’t doubt, but the...
  4. Cat_Lover44

    New Island Warp

    you could have a public spawner room/profit shop/fishing area
  5. Cat_Lover44

    Hey one block players!

    I might be on every little bit to redeem keys and stuff but most of the time I will be gone
  6. Cat_Lover44

    Hey one block players!

    Thanks I appreciate it, it was a lot of fun playing with you guys
  7. Cat_Lover44

    Hey one block players!

    I’m most likely going to stop playing Foxcraft. I am a little done with the server, it’s a little much for me and I have irl stuff. But I will be doing the character contest and if I win the 50 dollars i will buy all December keys and give them away for people! Hope everyone is doing great!
  8. Cat_Lover44

    Skin Event Submission: Gijs

    Cannot be from Minecraft, and you need to upload a photo using Imgur
  9. Cat_Lover44

    Skin Event Submission: Cat_Lover44

    User name: Cat_Lover44 What is your minecraft username? Cat_Lover44 From what game is your character? Fortnite Character name Fishstick Why this character? When I first started playing video games, the first video game I ever played was fortnite, I remember me and my brother playing together...
  10. Cat_Lover44

    Pyrofarming update?

    Thanks for the like cloak :D
  11. Cat_Lover44

    Pyrofarming update?

    The plugin was updated. You now get more pots and bushes though!
  12. Cat_Lover44

    Good Morning Foxcraft☀

    Goodmorrow fair traveler, I wish you luck within yours ventures.
  13. Cat_Lover44

    Are you okay if I appeal?

  14. Cat_Lover44

    Are you okay if I appeal?

    I agree wth duping no fun : ( dont do dat
  15. Cat_Lover44

    Event Halloween Haunted Maze

    Dang can you sell the trophy’s? For like a lot I assume
  16. Cat_Lover44

    Event Halloween Haunted Maze

    Wait so as soon as someone completes the maze you no longer can get the npc reward?
  17. Cat_Lover44

    What the heck is /crate

    Oh xd
  18. Cat_Lover44

    Event Halloween Haunted Maze

    Also yes, hypedddd!!! Also, for the pictures, do they have to be mc screenshots or can I just take a picture on my phone and post it?
  19. Cat_Lover44

    Event Halloween Haunted Maze

    For the npcs, do you have to be first or just find them
  20. Cat_Lover44

    What the best?

    Bedwars :)