Search results

  1. Anton#2000

    Nerd dutstonez (neeeerd)

    Nerd dutstonez (neeeerd)
  2. Anton#2000

    Bad helpers :/

    Bad helpers :/
  3. Anton#2000

    New Helpers!

    lmao Peyton aint online eveydy like me
  4. Anton#2000

    Lmao who are u

    Lmao who are u
  5. Anton#2000

    New Helpers!

    Bad helpers ShadowKiller and MasterSniper are nub glitchers
  6. Anton#2000

    Good Luck

    Good Luck
  7. Anton#2000

    Applys should be closed by now I hope nothing horribly happenend to Cloakfox or MechPotato

    Applys should be closed by now I hope nothing horribly happenend to Cloakfox or MechPotato
  8. Anton#2000

    do u know PigmanArmy idk where he is :/ he said he aint has school :/

    do u know PigmanArmy idk where he is :/ he said he aint has school :/
  9. Anton#2000


  10. Anton#2000

    i have an 10x bigger then urs :P on (svulcan)

    i have an 10x bigger then urs :P on (svulcan)
  11. Anton#2000

    ** and are u seriously blowing ur island on svulcan xD

    ** and are u seriously blowing ur island on svulcan xD
  12. Anton#2000

    do u trading keys mybe ? :) i need like 20 on fcove :3

    do u trading keys mybe ? :) i need like 20 on fcove :3
  13. Anton#2000

    gud u

    gud u
  14. Anton#2000


    when will it close or is it 15th ok xD didnt know staff could be slow :P
  15. Anton#2000


  16. Anton#2000


    hi mech helper apply shoulf be closed by now righy? u said 14th nov is helper apply closed i cant wait to congratz the winners :)
  17. Anton#2000

    Staff Applications: Open

  18. Anton#2000


    5 December
  19. Anton#2000

    Staff Applications: Open

  20. Anton#2000

    Factions Buying voter keys

    I have slot of stuff on svulcan trading for keys on fcove MSG ME If u see me i Will Guy al ur factions keys (MSG Tvgozer) if u sell above 5 voter keys :)