Search results

  1. T

    Are you okay if I appeal?

    and what DZultra do to you guys? Like dropping loot into your inv?
  2. T

    Are you okay if I appeal?

    What da hell DZultra
  3. T

    Parkour Map Build Event // Animals

    Congrats to all the winners. Didn’t expect that coming
  4. T

    Parkour Map Build Event // Animals

    Well they said it will be Monday, but it can be now till 23:59 xD
  5. T

    Parkour Map Build Event // Animals

    till evening ig
  6. T

    Parkour Map Build Event // Animals

    When will they pick the winners?
  7. T

    What the heck is /crate

    There ain’t that’s the joke about it
  8. T

    What the heck is /crate

    xD when people find out I can get free stuff from it
  9. T

    Parkour Build Event Submission: Techno2020

    U get easy and hard, that’s how it goes xD
  10. T

    Parkour Build Event Submission: Techno2020

    better than a parkour, which is to easy
  11. T

    Parkour Build Event Submission: Techno2020

    User name: Techno2020 What is your minecraft username? Techno2020 Name of your map? Bees n' Island Description of map Floating Islands with Bees flying arround. It starts off a little hard, but it will get easier to the end! More larger Island floating arround on the top of all...
  12. T

    Who is the best player!

    Well depends what u mean with best player: Like very polite and helping other players or just very good at p2w, idk. Best at what though, at everything? Cuz there isn’t a player that is good at everything, everbody has their own best skills on the Server. Might she/he be very good at pvp...
  13. T

    Parkour Map Build Event // Animals

    Yep very awesome Event!
  14. T

    Giveaway time (again

    ING: Techno2020 DC: techno2020 Song: ark by Zookeepers and shipwreck
  15. T

    XP Leaderboard Oneblock Glacier and Vulcan

    Yeah then I want a play time leaderboard aswell
  16. T

    Keepinv on or off?

    On, pvp will die cuz everybody knows they will lose their best gear and thats why nobody, just guys like u maybe would go to the pvp area, go to the pvp area. There mussnt be frightend people like me xD, who will lose their stuff due to better people with prot 16 and sharpness 13 or something...
  17. T

    i logged on after 6 months in oneblock and my helmet and my max razor 8 sword glitched out/dissapeared

    Well fweef, it does magically disapear. Like I stored some Spawn Eggs in my Enderchest, and it all disapear cuz of lag or something
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    Put it is p2w but not any it is one of the bests. There are very bad pay to win servers but this one is kinda special :)
  19. T


    Ty Cloak. Your the best. But I still kinda had a heart attack.
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