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  1. Alex_Tro

    This is america

  2. Alex_Tro

    The Foxcraft Update Announcement

    @iBrady , I hope you will remove clear lag glitches (survival )
  3. Alex_Tro

    The Ballad Of AkaDakota

    The behavior of the empire can be called a deviation . Btw :
  4. Alex_Tro

    My fifth episode on SURVIVAL!

  5. Alex_Tro

    I hope you aren't going to reset survival server @iBrady

    I hope you aren't going to reset survival server @iBrady
  6. Alex_Tro

    VP devastate innocent village!

    LOL , I have no benefits ,and reasons to attack their town , CrazyCraft is my friend. I don't really care that Empire members attacked it and are making propaganda against me. Empire is trying to wash off their guilts by announcing that VP is suspected.
  7. Alex_Tro

    Berserker: Oneshot

  8. Alex_Tro

    Survival Stripper: LightningAura

    laughing out loud
  9. Alex_Tro

    Survival Shop

    How often do you play survival ? , photos of our city [shop helped us to build it] : ,
  10. Alex_Tro

    Survival Shop

    We will make it just here then.
  11. Alex_Tro

    Survival Shop

    Okay , lets vote then.
  12. Alex_Tro

    Survival Shop

    VP Kingdom and Vuzar states will not allow to remove survival shop , your actions are directed against us. We are busy with making polls against it.
  13. Alex_Tro


    Warning : you are watching this movie at your own risk. It can change your life dramatically. xD
  14. Alex_Tro

    The Empire's Victory against VP-Kingdom and Arcana!

    XD , you are ridicilous
  15. Alex_Tro

    Empire is not worth my attention

    Empire is not worth my attention
  16. Alex_Tro

    thank you , lol

    thank you , lol
  17. Alex_Tro

    Mhmm.... waiting on good coffee.

    Mhmm.... waiting on good coffee.
  18. Alex_Tro

    New Manager

    I hope , iBrady you will be a good Manager and you will listen to the players suggestions. ~~King of Vlanderpoland [part of Empire] Ik hoop , iBrady dat jij zal een goede manager zijn en jij zal luisteren naar speler suggesties ~~ Koning van Vlaanderpolen [ stuk van Empire ]
  19. Alex_Tro

    Survival glitches are solved , thanks dear admins , I will not have my stuff back , VP Kingdom...

    Survival glitches are solved , thanks dear admins , I will not have my stuff back , VP Kingdom is fighting with disaster effects.