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  1. Remierik

    Feel Cold Yet?

    I got 23 degree weather over here ;-;
  2. Remierik

    Nice nice

    Nice nice
  3. Remierik

    Face Reveal Thread

    Lmao xD I only get on to talk to friends xP
  4. Remierik

    Plz nu flame warz or I'll haf tu warn yu

    Plz nu flame warz or I'll haf tu warn yu
  5. Remierik

    Face Reveal Thread

    Y not
  6. Remierik

    Face Reveal Thread

    It has to be done, bye world
  7. Remierik

    Face Reveal Thread ^ my picture, @Tqzz been waiting Don't forget to like and subscribe. I'm officially quitting fox since I posted that picture bai guys </3
  8. Remierik

    Count to 100 without staff interruptions

    0 to 100 real quick *dabs* I'm done kiddos
  9. Remierik

    Face Reveal Thread

    Ok, OK it might take me a while though because I can't upload photos from my phone it always says "file size to large" :p
  10. Remierik

    Face Reveal Thread

    Sorry guys, this is a legit picture of me, but I'm part of anonymous sadly so I can't show my face.... thanks for the support please don't judge <3 photo credits to snaz btw
  11. Remierik

    Face Reveal Thread

    Straight savage
  12. Remierik

    Face Reveal Thread

    Haha, you funny
  13. Remierik

    Face Reveal Thread

    Haha now I know how everyone looks like, while nobody knows how I look like :>
  14. Remierik

    Waddup Forums

    <3 :oops: I'm straight, I'm sorry bro... It is a joke don't take it to heart ik you are jk 2 :>
  15. Remierik

    Waddup Forums

    Never mentioned a server :> only a gamemode so I'm good thanks for the warning tho <3
  16. Remierik

    Waddup Forums

    Welcome fellow infection player :> I am very persuasive U.U
  17. Remierik

    Face Reveal Thread

  18. Remierik

    Face Reveal Thread

    Omg where is de popcorn this funny af
  19. Remierik

    Face Reveal Thread

    Oml is everyone jelly about dating? Just go on tinder ya 10 year old kiddos
  20. Remierik

    Face Reveal Thread

    Lmfao I'm done