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  1. Remierik

    Discord Voice! - A means of Communication!

    Who is you, I have never ever ever in my life seen you on dis server, anyways nice thread. Jk don't hurt me
  2. Remierik

    Old Players.

    I joined minecraft in 1982
  3. Remierik

    Factions Magma reset!

    Awesome update
  4. Remierik


  5. Remierik

    Old Players.

    I was here back when survival was 1.7 and kitpvp had that old small spawn with full leather for kit fighter, so 3 years? Idk it was around September. Most people know me as xX_TheRandomGuyYouDontKnow_Xx
  6. Remierik

    Checks yea day is a great friend

    Checks yea day is a great friend
  7. Remierik

    FAY holy, pm me yo number you disappeared on me

    FAY holy, pm me yo number you disappeared on me
  8. Remierik

    Not cool

    TheEmpire HAS FALLEN !!!!! The dark side of the force is over!!!! All hail the REBELS
  9. Remierik

    Empire Rank List

    Give me your ign and let's do some potpvp or builduhc. :>
  10. Remierik

    Empire Rank List

    "will receive training" lmfao everyone in TheEmpire is basically trash at pvp.
  11. Remierik

    The honesty game

    Some randy she has no friends Mechz
  12. Remierik

    Hey, should i come back?

    Only If you join me on my favorite server /hub. Cya there
  13. Remierik


  14. Remierik


    I can tell you are a squeaker by your profile picture lmfao, and if it is not your problem then why cause drama and harass a former staff member, get yo cringy *** profile pic outta here boiiiii P.S he did not abuse, he was supposedly hacking, however I won't state the side I'm on of whether he...
  15. Remierik


    Just by seeing you are a little squeaker saying those words make me cringe how about you read the damn topic on this thread and figure out @Peytonb56 is trying to stop the drama, next time think before you post nonsense smartass
  16. Remierik

    Little help Please.

    Haha, it was a joke but I don't have forge unfortunately so you are on your own, I would advise searching up some YouTube videos since they never fail to inform :)
  17. Remierik

    Little help Please.

    OK so first you have to go to %appdata then continue on to .Minecraft and right click the file and click delete and remember you MUST deinstall minecraft. And lastly don't forget to delete your forums account and never come back, I hope you found my tutorial helpful!! <3 :p
  18. Remierik

    hi xD

    Nice to meet you the server I play on is hub, hope to see you there!
  19. Remierik

    Goodbye for now.

    First one to buy me some popcorn and ship it to me on my doorstep will get me to join their side on this drama show :p Address: 6666 HoldThisLKid drive