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  1. tangerine_gamig

    Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word in the English dictionary

    Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word in the English dictionary
  2. tangerine_gamig

    Inspirational quote of the day

    actually no, they came from YouTubers 2 of them were from me
  3. tangerine_gamig

    [reply yo MD2013] -_- it is all of them

    [reply yo MD2013] -_- it is all of them
  4. tangerine_gamig

    Who's number 700,643!?!

    Who's number 700,643!?!
  5. tangerine_gamig

    I changed my avatar to look like one of my dogs in real life! her name is Zoey! She is a 2 year...

    I changed my avatar to look like one of my dogs in real life! her name is Zoey! She is a 2 year old chihuahua
  6. tangerine_gamig

    Inspirational quote of the day

    It's totally okay to be sad sometimes, being happy all the time isn't realistic, and it might be a bad thing to be happy all the time Idk
  7. tangerine_gamig

    thanks for the help ProbationZ about my questions about hackers

    thanks for the help ProbationZ about my questions about hackers
  8. tangerine_gamig

    I have some questions about hacks

    So, I've seen that there have been a lot more hacks used on the mcfoxcraft server, most of the time i see that people get banned for hacks, I have some questions about what these hacks are. 1. What is Kill Aura? 2.What is Reach? 3. What is anti-kb? 4. How can I figure out if someone's hacking...
  9. tangerine_gamig


  10. tangerine_gamig

    Inspirational quote of the day

    If you're ever feeling bad about anything, do not leave us! you should always think about how valuable you are to your friends and family! talk to someone, family, friends, a teacher, a therapist, or even a pet, we are always here for everyone who might be going through bad things. :)
  11. tangerine_gamig

    Inspirational quote of the day

    Always be yourself. It's totally okay to be strange, because being strange means you're unique and you're special
  12. tangerine_gamig

    Inspirational quote of the day

    It's totally okay to have opinions, but if friends and other people are disrespecting your opinions, you should realize that they're not good friends, and you should find someone who does not make fun of others' opinions
  13. tangerine_gamig

    Inspirational quote of the day

    The key word here is happy, if something makes you happy, that is all that matters. Ways that other people want to live their lives is fine, and no one should judge others for things that don't affect them, and are none of their dang business
  14. tangerine_gamig

    if something makes you happy, that is all that matters. the way that others live their lives is...

    if something makes you happy, that is all that matters. the way that others live their lives is fine and no one should be judged for choices
  15. tangerine_gamig

    Hey everyone! long time no see!

    Hey everyone! long time no see!
  16. tangerine_gamig

    I incorporate long words that i don't know the meaning of into my sentences to make myself sound...

    I incorporate long words that i don't know the meaning of into my sentences to make myself sound more photosynthesis.
  17. tangerine_gamig

    I might not be playing on MCFoxcraft as much anymore, I will still be playing, but not as often

    I might not be playing on MCFoxcraft as much anymore, I will still be playing, but not as often
  18. tangerine_gamig


  19. tangerine_gamig

    Hey! Do you want to make snow ANGLES? no, it's like 70 DEGREES outside. Hey! that's ACUTE dog.

    Hey! Do you want to make snow ANGLES? no, it's like 70 DEGREES outside. Hey! that's ACUTE dog.
  20. tangerine_gamig

    My best friend ErnyPurny got banned forever. :'( let's hope he will be able to come back some day

    My best friend ErnyPurny got banned forever. :'( let's hope he will be able to come back some day