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  1. Light4132


    lol yeah, for some reason...
  2. Light4132

    Message to the people of the minecraft community...

    In recent time, there has been something that's a ****** to this community; Minecraft pedophilles. Now, I shouldn't have to say this (partially because most should already know this) but I feel compelled to... Just because you get friendly with someone doesn't make them trustworthy. This here...
  3. Light4132

    It was just a prank...

    Are most things necessary? Do you need to leave a comment? Does one need shoes that cost more than 5 dollars? Do Humans really have to kill animals to eat them? Do people need the internet? Do we need to exist? Do we need to spend our money on a children's game(minecraft) , or any game at all...
  4. Light4132


  5. Light4132

    It was just a prank...

    Does this mean I'll end up in a math class when/if i die..... Hell doesn't seem that bad.
  6. Light4132

    It was just a prank...

    To raise awareness, it's a social experiment.
  7. Light4132

    It was just a prank...

    I'm going straight to hell for laughing at this... (that's if hell even exists)
  8. Light4132

    It was just a prank...

  9. Light4132


    Good things never last forever.... Although, same thing can be said about bad things.
  10. Light4132

    Herro Guys!

    Sometimes things aren't as black and white as they seem.
  11. Light4132

    Herro Guys!

    Seems reasonable, however, just because it sounds good, doesn't make it true. I wish someone would finally have some proof rather than just saying things. I don't care if conor did it or not, I just want good evidence.
  12. Light4132

    Have you been warned yet?

    Have you been warned yet? Yes, long time ago. What did you do to get warned?: Spamming some kid because he spammed me. Are you mad?: No. Are you going to kill yourself? Yes, take my life and end my suffering. I want off this planet filled with the ignorant and foolish.
  13. Light4132

    Herro Guys!

    Hello and welcome to the new forums.
  14. Light4132

    My introduction to the new forums and for people who don't know me!

    Hello and welcome back I think I've played you on skywars, not sure. I have bad memory.
  15. Light4132


    Ah, FMAB. Great show, and this is one of the memorable opening songs.
  16. Light4132


    If autotune is used correctly and not over the top, then it's fine to me.
  17. Light4132


    I like anything that sounds good.
  18. Light4132


    Vote for Light - #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #MakeYouTubeGreatAgain I will bring death and sorrow.
  19. Light4132


    It's not just writing, I'm talking about things as a "bigger picture". We're (The US) in debt in the trillions to China, and lately it's like people don't care about what happens next. They live carefree as if there's no consequence to their actions. (Again, generally speaking)
  20. Light4132


    This made me realize that people have set their expectations low. Why settle for being less enlightened, it makes no sense. This is why most countries are doing better than the U.S. it's become clear we don't care enough for our future (generally speaking).