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  1. LordsOfWinter

    $100 Giftcard for any online store giveaway - Goodbye - Ksmudger - Tyrone

    Wow ksm leaving fox, never expected (April fools). We have a different survival now (Until you come back). But if you are actually leaving, farewell teamate! (I swear to god sometimes you can be toxic as hell but we still tolerate you ;)) (Who will be toxic if you’re not here lmao.) (Anyways...
  2. LordsOfWinter

    A new city, and new problems.

    If you need a judge I am available ;).
  3. LordsOfWinter

    A new city, and new problems.

    Good work! It’s finally done. Good to see another city/team rising in survival. I’ll visit soon.
  4. LordsOfWinter

    Have birthday dear vio!

    Have birthday dear vio!
  5. LordsOfWinter

    Goodbye - Vcqce

    I know ill see you around sometime but until then, I'll miss u friend.
  6. LordsOfWinter

    Record holder?

    No bans and no legit mutes! I guess I won ;);)
  7. LordsOfWinter

    Birthday Give-away(ENDED)

    Happy past b-day!!! Better late than never :)
  8. LordsOfWinter

    Selling massive cry laughing emoji

    Wow! Who built this?
  9. LordsOfWinter

    Kingdoms Release Details 02-03-2019!

    I was definetely looking forward for this moment. I hope it doesn't end up like other gamemodes. We will see !!!
  10. LordsOfWinter


  11. LordsOfWinter

    Empire-Aronsis Unification Est. 17/02/2019

    roleplay doesnt hurt, it keeps survival alive
  12. LordsOfWinter

    Empire-Aronsis Unification Est. 17/02/2019

    Good to see both teams uniting against a common foe. Soon we shall strike with our combined powers to declare a decisive victory against anyone who is secretly working against us !!!
  13. LordsOfWinter

    Congratzzz vio!!! I am very happy for you.

    Congratzzz vio!!! I am very happy for you.
  14. LordsOfWinter

    Suggestions To Make Survival Better...

    The spawner thing is a mess. I don't know whether its broken again but we need a solution. 1. We have adequate but not good amount of players. 2. DON'T RESET SURVIVAL. 3 Some people who are inactive for 6-8 months still have their claim because they bought claimblocks, there should be a time...
  15. LordsOfWinter


    A true piece of art.
  16. LordsOfWinter

    Survival History Timeline?

    That would be more than 3 years, nothing happened (at least it doesn't matter now), everyone already forgot, live in the moment.
  17. LordsOfWinter

    Survival History Timeline?

    You can find out what happened in 2 years (on the surface) by looking through the thread's. There are many screenshots and posts explaining what happened in these years, these posts are mostly about the events between big teams. Teams like Empire, VP and Warriors(DED) dominated this server in...
  18. LordsOfWinter


  19. LordsOfWinter

    Congratz on mod!! Keep up the good work :D

    Congratz on mod!! Keep up the good work :D