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  1. PolarPvp :D

    Recruiting for [Bowspammers] on KitPvP

    because I got into 1.7 but I can be active
  2. PolarPvp :D

    Recruiting for [Bowspammers] on KitPvP

    IGN: ToggleStrrafe Old IGN PolarPvp__ Rate yourself 1-10 in PvP : 7 Activeness 1-10: 10 When you can 1v1: whenever you suits you. Timezone: GMT+8 (Australia) Perth
  3. PolarPvp :D

    can I call you Dinosaurs?

    can I call you Dinosaurs?
  4. PolarPvp :D

    Apple Pen

    Apple Pen
  5. PolarPvp :D

    Screensharing Isn't Useless

    screenshare is the best way of banning because thenn you have proof.
  6. PolarPvp :D

    Congrats Mechymoo on Communty Mangager!!!!!!!

    Congrats Mechymoo on Communty Mangager!!!!!!!
  7. PolarPvp :D

    Community Manager

    Congrats MechyMoo!!!!!!!!!
  8. PolarPvp :D

    Print screen

    Lool xD
  9. PolarPvp :D

    Happend to me xD

    Happend to me xD
  10. PolarPvp :D

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  11. PolarPvp :D

    Best Drawing 2k16 c:

  12. PolarPvp :D

    Factions Cove reset! (and updates) 1.7 support, /f war, new /f top & more!

    Congrats Mechymoo #1.7?? Im coming back to Foxcraft boyz
  13. PolarPvp :D

    Lol I quit Foxcraft 2-3months ago

    Lol I quit Foxcraft 2-3months ago
  14. PolarPvp :D

    wb buddy

    wb buddy
  15. PolarPvp :D

    I dont like it

    I dont like it
  16. PolarPvp :D


  17. PolarPvp :D

    I need help I keep getting banned from aac and it is cause I used all my internet and I am not...

    I need help I keep getting banned from aac and it is cause I used all my internet and I am not hacking
  18. PolarPvp :D

    Well I have been just I ran out of internet so I am really laggy but Im 110% I am not hacking

    Well I have been just I ran out of internet so I am really laggy but Im 110% I am not hacking
  19. PolarPvp :D

    Im on my spare account few

    Im on my spare account few