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  1. U


    its probbly better the quit the server instat 5th banned for no reason da*uq.....
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    i need 1000 tokens :D

    laat het me weten als je het echt wil doen :D
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    i need 1000 tokens :D

    like u :D
  4. U

    i need 1000 tokens :D

    if some 1 is willing to buy tokens for me I pay 7.5mill for 1000 tokens (i have 36mill on glacier and 1.3 on vulcan) hit me up if your crazy af :D
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    Vote key

    they are probbly the old voterkeys
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    ronster_ zijn acc is verwijderd waarom?

    ronster_ zijn acc is verwijderd waarom?
  8. U

    bug with /d /und

    did it
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    wanneer kom je weer een keer on :S we need u

    wanneer kom je weer een keer on :S we need u
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    things that i want to have in skyblock

    probbly if he does that he is pretty stupid XD
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    things that i want to have in skyblock

    sahin15 HEEEEEEL GRAAAG FairCrayfish943 __Zoroq zelda129 wanted to vote yes but it won't let him vote or replay
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    things that i want to have in skyblock

    /block = ingots to blocks and /ingot = golden nuggents in to ingots
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    things that i want to have in skyblock

    /block is a comment that u do wen u have alot of iron in your inventory and do /block then the comment made the blocks for u that u dont have to craft
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    things that i want to have in skyblock

    i know buy leon doesn't see that this is the reason why people quit playing 60% of the players are the old school the other 40% are player that play for 3 months or less idk why he would not lissen to the players why play the most :S and /qs buy would be great wen added back/ fixed
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    things that i want to have in skyblock

  16. U

    i miss the old Foxcraft :(

    why is the server death? not that hard is because of all the resets and to much changes. if something is not broken dont TRY TO FIX IT
  17. U

    /qs buy

    were did /qs buy go??? i want it back to make it easy to get items to buy :S