Search results

  1. Diabetus_Fetus

    Me, Myself and I

    Cyka blyat idi nahui
  2. Diabetus_Fetus

    3 quick maths

    3 quick maths
  3. Diabetus_Fetus

    Chicken nuggets suck

    Chicken nuggets suck
  4. Diabetus_Fetus

    The Empire - Recruitment Thread

    Empire is now recruiting. We are a team on Survival who believe in teamwork and brotherhood. Your IGN (in-game-name): Diabetus_Fetus Rank - (Having any sort of donator rank isn't mandatory just prefered): Foxking Discord - if not comfortable with sharing publicly PM me it, or message me in game...
  5. Diabetus_Fetus

    Factions Season 6 Change log official thread

    -69 I finally got gear **** off lol
  6. Diabetus_Fetus

    Faction Recruitment : Oblivion

    IGN : Diabetus_Fetus What is your power? (Like if you have bought any extra) : 2 plus 2 is 4 minus 1 that's 3 What could you bring to the faction? : quick maths Do you have a rank? (If so what is it) : fucksking How old are you? (DM if you don't want to share) : 6 Skype/Discord (DM if you don't...
  7. Diabetus_Fetus


  8. Diabetus_Fetus

    nooooo yur not sposed to do that stop it resign nerd

    nooooo yur not sposed to do that stop it resign nerd
  9. Diabetus_Fetus

    sorry cringey 12 year old will**

    sorry cringey 12 year old will**
  10. Diabetus_Fetus

    Hello "willbrine" "Pretend you can't see me" -cringey 11 year old Will

    Hello "willbrine" "Pretend you can't see me" -cringey 11 year old Will
  11. Diabetus_Fetus

    whats ur sandwich making skill lvl

    Reported for 18+ Ez demoted haha 10/10 rekt
  12. Diabetus_Fetus

    Haha demoted nerd Stop lying in your signature

    Haha demoted nerd Stop lying in your signature
  13. Diabetus_Fetus

    whats ur sandwich making skill lvl

    Over 9000
  14. Diabetus_Fetus

    KitPvP Revamp Release!

    What is it with the builders and denying me from seeing in the map
  15. Diabetus_Fetus


  16. Diabetus_Fetus

    New Hub!

    no, i would be better if could see in the hub
  17. Diabetus_Fetus

    Fetus you say?

    Fetus you say?
  18. Diabetus_Fetus

    Follow me and I'll follow you back haha jk pranked...

    Follow me and I'll follow you back haha jk pranked HuEhUeHuEhUeHuEhUeHuEhUeHuEhUeHuEhUeHuEhUeHuEhUeHuEhUeHuEhUeHuEhUeHuEhUeHuEhUeHuEhUeHuE
  19. Diabetus_Fetus

    no im pagikal migg

    no im pagikal migg