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  1. Waterrr00

    Can we get some pvp on factions?

    Give me gear and maybe I will pvp (probably not) xD
  2. Waterrr00

    So I started drivers ed today and I am toasted and my head hurts so much its such a long and...

    So I started drivers ed today and I am toasted and my head hurts so much its such a long and boring class
  3. Waterrr00

    Bye Dad :'(

    Bye Dad :'(
  4. Waterrr00


    Why is everyone so rude today hating on this kid. Yes Cloak is the obvious answer but seriously guys don't need to be mean. (Not all of you)
  5. Waterrr00

    gave planecool the L

    Best video ever *removed by user* 9/10 could've used some elevator music... xD
  6. Waterrr00

    Bye bye @DaddyAvocado AKA Flout Nite (FalloutKnight) You will always be my father... Just...

    Bye bye @DaddyAvocado AKA Flout Nite (FalloutKnight) You will always be my father... Just another dad to run away I guess xD Ill miss you!
  7. Waterrr00

    Bye, Friends

    I cry :( (Also by the way I am TheCooldude087 :cool: I just created a different account on the forums xD) Good luck in the future and see you next helper apps :D
  8. Waterrr00

    First Endermen Farm? GF

    I ran 100k blocks built a base in a cave and quit. xD waste of my time.
  9. Waterrr00


    Welcome friend! I hope you enjoy Foxcraft.
  10. Waterrr00

    People still do that? xD

    People still do that? xD
  11. Waterrr00

    Tbh I think this selection was actually a good selection and I think some good staff member will...

    Tbh I think this selection was actually a good selection and I think some good staff member will come out of this.
  12. Waterrr00

    Changing my name to GnarShredder017 soon

    Changing my name to GnarShredder017 soon
  13. Waterrr00

    The Helper Effect

    this is all too much to read... xD But nicely said for the ones I did read
  14. Waterrr00

    hey guys want to team up?

    Welcome friend!
  15. Waterrr00


    Hello friend. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your time here. :)
  16. Waterrr00

    Heyy :D

    Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy.
  17. Waterrr00

    Its probably not gonna have avocado in it xD

    Its probably not gonna have avocado in it xD
  18. Waterrr00

    Any suggestions on what I should change my name to? I have an idea but i'm not sure yet.

    Any suggestions on what I should change my name to? I have an idea but i'm not sure yet.
  19. Waterrr00

    The reason is that I didn't realize you could change your forum name and I changed my minecraft...

    The reason is that I didn't realize you could change your forum name and I changed my minecraft in game name so I just created a new account so I could keep my member rank but then after that I realized I could change it. RIP my forum score... I wish you could combine accounts
  20. Waterrr00

    Congratulation to all the new helpers! For those who didn't make it better luck next time. Lets...

    Congratulation to all the new helpers! For those who didn't make it better luck next time. Lets hope this group is better than the last one!