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  1. rcmrocks2

    Riddle me this iStrqfel, What belongs to you, but is used by others?

    Riddle me this iStrqfel, What belongs to you, but is used by others?
  2. rcmrocks2

    Riddle me this donut, What weighs six ounces, sits in a tree, and is very dangerous?

    Riddle me this donut, What weighs six ounces, sits in a tree, and is very dangerous?
  3. rcmrocks2

    Aw thank you, I will probs apply soon when I get to know most the active players.

    Aw thank you, I will probs apply soon when I get to know most the active players.
  4. rcmrocks2

    you are half right. that is one way to find the correct answer, the other is 40. you had to say...

    you are half right. that is one way to find the correct answer, the other is 40. you had to say both correct answers to get me to follow you (sorry for the trickiness ;D ill give you another try soon).
  5. rcmrocks2

    if you can tell me the answer to this. 1+4=5 2+5=12 3+6=21 8+11=? Slove for ? (its not 19)

    if you can tell me the answer to this. 1+4=5 2+5=12 3+6=21 8+11=? Slove for ? (its not 19)
  6. rcmrocks2


  7. rcmrocks2

    Apply for staff

    Hey! Sorry to hear about your other servers and welcome to the fox craft community! This is the server suggestions and not the proper place to apply for staff. Read this announcement and it should help you find your way!
  8. rcmrocks2

    who knows i might give you another try muhahaha

    who knows i might give you another try muhahaha
  9. rcmrocks2

    hmmm if you can respond to this is the next 2 hour i will s0 11:38 est

    hmmm if you can respond to this is the next 2 hour i will s0 11:38 est
  10. rcmrocks2

    hey i never claimed to be a good pvper lol

    hey i never claimed to be a good pvper lol
  11. rcmrocks2

    lol, I was teamed with him. he only survived cause I let him.

    lol, I was teamed with him. he only survived cause I let him.
  12. rcmrocks2

    i destroyed everyone on prison lol

    i destroyed everyone on prison lol
  13. rcmrocks2

    for real msg me on discord

    for real msg me on discord
  14. rcmrocks2

    Factions Alt

    a friend <3... not me tho maybe some random who we don't care about
  15. rcmrocks2

    @iBrady i wanna slide into those dms ;D

    @iBrady i wanna slide into those dms ;D
  16. rcmrocks2

    Introduction To Myself

    Hey! if you want a large plot to build on let me know!
  17. rcmrocks2

    @iBrady Your friends or the locals... or both ;)

    @iBrady Your friends or the locals... or both ;)
  18. rcmrocks2

    I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who gave me a warm welcome back!

    I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who gave me a warm welcome back!
  19. rcmrocks2

    how is France? Been a long time since I was there.

    how is France? Been a long time since I was there.
  20. rcmrocks2

    hahaha i like this comment!

    hahaha i like this comment!