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  1. iLoveYouu

    Be the solution, not the problem.

    We won't be here in 1000 years, because humans don't really reach the age of 1000 years m8
  2. iLoveYouu

    What changes?

    Would be nice to see some custom made enchants for Factions, like currently we just have a plugin from spigot or something. Also before releasing the new factions they should bug test it quite well so there isn't any duplication things that ruins factions instantly.. Also a good spawn for PvPing...
  3. iLoveYouu

    Of course

    Of course
  4. iLoveYouu


    Okay so @Pricus ♆ warned me for mini-modding/threatening him in a thread. Here is what I did wrong according to him: Let me explain how I was completely right and how I didn't violate any rules (which he mentioned at least). I'll explain the situation. @JoeyH007 made a...
  5. iLoveYouu

    Token Center glitch?

    Can you mine a couple of inventories of diamond ore for me?
  6. iLoveYouu

    Token Center glitch?

    Yea but there are still people with like fortune 8 and **** and it's bullshit how they have a massive advantage above others now..
  7. iLoveYouu

    @Pricus ♆ Let's 1v1 then.

    @Pricus ♆ Let's 1v1 then.
  8. iLoveYouu

    Apology not accepted!

    Apology not accepted!
  9. iLoveYouu


    Did u try for example this one?
  10. iLoveYouu


    Pretty sure fast redstone clocks aren't used that much in big cannons, or you have a pretty slow fast redstone clock.. But I believe like no cannon works, you might not even be able to hybrid lol
  11. iLoveYouu

    Pokemon Starters Choice

    You are, daddy
  12. iLoveYouu

    Pokemon Starters Choice

    Well nobody did until they got announced a couple of days ago.
  13. iLoveYouu

    Ideas for EULA compliance

    I'd suggest Cloakfox to get a couple of people who have a good idea of what the EULA is and who have a good idea on how to work with it and make the server better give ideas in a private conversation or something. In this thread anyone will just disagree with each other and you won't really get...
  14. iLoveYouu

    Ideas for EULA compliance

    Do you even EULA bro? How does making non donators having to pay tons more for kits than ranked players fair? That doesn't even come close to following the rules of the EULA..
  15. iLoveYouu

    Who here likes Melanie Martinez

    She's a cry baby ;)
  16. iLoveYouu

    Who here likes Melanie Martinez

    She's alright
  17. iLoveYouu

    Lost Rank

    You can close it, he has his rank.
  18. iLoveYouu

    Survival reset and opinions

    @cloakfox Clearly all the survival players want raiding back, even if you think it's a retarded thing to add, just do it.
  19. iLoveYouu

    Survival reset and opinions

    Because there is nothing to raid on factions? And because it's way different anyway and people like ruining other people their game :D
  20. iLoveYouu

    My personal opinions.

    /kit cloakfox, gives full diamond p1 for $25 and you can use it every hour. :D I just feel like you should get like 5 kits for free players and like 5 kits for vips, and make them all balanced. No diamond stuff at all and no shop and only being able to buy level 1 enchantments