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  1. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    New Update, Old Problems...

    We want a system that doesn't ban me for having a kill streak (its happened) That may be true, but not including the launch of the new server, staff are not on, not ever... its not like oh my life comes before the server, no, you don't even care enough to come online (kitpvp exclusive that I...
  2. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    New Update, Old Problems...

    Hey everyone, I recently stopped playing kitpvp, there are a couple reasons to this. The first reason is because there are CONSTANTLY hackers online now, the second reason is I lost a set of God armor (P4 diamond helmet, P4 iron chest plate, P4 iron leggings, and P4 diamond boots to a hacker...
  3. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    Please look at my appeal...

    Please look at my appeal
  4. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    Please look at my appeal...

    Please look at my appeal
  5. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    Please look at my appeal...

    Please look at my appeal
  6. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    The new (old) kitpvp! REVAMPED!!! [Beta]

    You didn't answer my main question though... are donor kits gone?
  7. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    The new (old) kitpvp! REVAMPED!!! [Beta]

    Just have to ask... So far all donor perks have been removed... /ec, /enderchest, /pv, and the donor kits... is this permanent or not
  8. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    dude... I told you I was going to post evidence once I got the chance. Please read the whole...

    dude... I told you I was going to post evidence once I got the chance. Please read the whole thing before /closing it. Thank you
  9. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    wait so if diamond armor is illegal, but just having diamonds isn't couldn't I just trade you my...

    wait so if diamond armor is illegal, but just having diamonds isn't couldn't I just trade you my diamond armor for 24 diamonds instead of using /kill? (the cost to make 1 set)
  10. 2Hawk/FatBirdie


    i hope you realize this already ended
  11. 2Hawk/FatBirdie


    who said that we were?
  12. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    Why yes, yes I do.

    damn it, he's trying to keep this damn thing going, ill delete this thread and make another tomorrow.
  13. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    Why yes, yes I do.

    don't worry its done now we can get to the real matter
  14. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    Why yes, yes I do.

    after about a week... UPDATE: I said I'm giving free kits and ninjastar IMMEDIATELY says LIES... i gave everyone who asked kits kits, and he STILL says I'm lying. This is the kind of player bias I'm talking about. may I remind you all THIS is the same player that calls me an *** and reports me...
  15. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    Why yes, yes I do.

    well ya did, right after i told you that you were off the team, you also muted me in mc chat.
  16. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    Why yes, yes I do.

    no one told anyone anything about refferees having diamond helmets.
  17. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    Why yes, yes I do.

    exactly, I already talked to producing about this, and sabo, and mech.
  18. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    Why yes, yes I do.

    you freaking blocked my Skype, do you not remember that?
  19. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    Why yes, yes I do.

    its against the rules, yet you admitted to using it. Isn't that a bit of a double standard?
  20. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    Why yes, yes I do.

    I'm simply saying why this isn't a PM or anything jeez bro chill. also do you even know how many times my teammates asked me to kill other players for them with my P4 diamond... Do you know how many times I said yes? NONE