Search results

  1. MD2013

    Good luck to all of those who applied for helper! And to those who don't get it this round...

    Good luck to all of those who applied for helper! And to those who don't get it this round, don't quit Foxcraft... use it as motivation :)
  2. MD2013

    Ez ban^^ advertisement

    Ez ban^^ advertisement
  3. MD2013

    Coming back to the staff team?

    Coming back to the staff team?
  4. MD2013


  5. MD2013

    Not really a question of who you are, but a question of why xd

    Not really a question of who you are, but a question of why xd
  6. MD2013

    Ayyyy :D name change?

    Ayyyy :D name change?
  7. MD2013

    My apologies for not being online... my grandmother is still very sick :(

    My apologies for not being online... my grandmother is still very sick :(
  8. MD2013

    Eh.... nah

    Eh.... nah
  9. MD2013

    I don't like you anyways... so ** <3

    I don't like you anyways... so ** <3
  10. MD2013

    Official Resignation

    You will me missed Total :(
  11. MD2013

    Click the compass, and click one of the items :)

    Click the compass, and click one of the items :)
  12. MD2013

    Make an appeal and the appeal has to be accepted by the person who banned the players.

    Make an appeal and the appeal has to be accepted by the person who banned the players.
  13. MD2013

    You sure? ;)

    You sure? ;)
  14. MD2013

    New gamemode releasing Sunday! [Hardcore]

    Wow, I can't wait to play! Thanks! :D
  15. MD2013


    Welcome to to the forums!
  16. MD2013


    Hey @SmartieBro! :D
  17. MD2013

    Lol xD

    Lol xD
  18. MD2013

    Quitting The Server (For Now)

    Bye dude D: It was nice knowing you... hopefully you come back :)
  19. MD2013

    Idk :p

    Idk :p
  20. MD2013

    Enough has been said :) ^

    Enough has been said :) ^