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  1. cloud_divider

    about what has happened on my profile page.

    about what has happened on my profile page.
  2. cloud_divider

    I'm confused.

    I'm confused.
  3. cloud_divider

    I'm playing Pokemon Moon.

    I'm playing Pokemon Moon.
  4. cloud_divider

    Good, playing Pokemon xD

    Good, playing Pokemon xD
  5. cloud_divider

    OH how are ya?

    OH how are ya?
  6. cloud_divider


  7. cloud_divider

    I just realized that it still says I'm a new member.

    I just realized that it still says I'm a new member.
  8. cloud_divider

    Word-Per-Person Story

  9. cloud_divider

    I haven't been on much recently cuz I've been doing school stuff

    I haven't been on much recently cuz I've been doing school stuff
  10. cloud_divider

    I'm not sure if I should apply now for helper or wait, I'm probably gonna wait til next time...

    I'm not sure if I should apply now for helper or wait, I'm probably gonna wait til next time because I'm gonna have a busy year.
  11. cloud_divider

    Helper apps: OPEN

    Good Luck to all who are applying!! I think I'll wait til next time to apply though.
  12. cloud_divider

    Player Count issue solution/petition.

    I'd probably come back to Foxcraft more often with a better kitpvp, most of my friends met me on kitpvp. Since I hardly come on as of right now besides creative. +1 vote
  13. cloud_divider

    introducing myself

    I like the username it's pretty clever, anyways at some point teach me how to factions most of the time I just sit around. Anyways I'm gonna get to the point of this comment, Welcome!!!
  14. cloud_divider

    *continued cuz i ran out of space* You can see how pink my room is from here.

    *continued cuz i ran out of space* You can see how pink my room is from here.
  15. cloud_divider

    So... my profile pick is still mahshelf do I look like a shelf or is that just my shelf, it has...

    So... my profile pick is still mahshelf do I look like a shelf or is that just my shelf, it has some d&d books on it.
  16. cloud_divider


    I don't know much about ranks besides that I only have skyfox on kitpvp & creative so thats all I play really. Anyways Welcome to the forums!!
  17. cloud_divider

    I had to get this off my mind

    The translation for whatever that said is probably something that only he knows what it means and a few other people. That or I just wanted to say something on this thread cuz I thought the thread was beautiful. Anyways I'd have to say I think why is so people don't go so off-topic that it...
  18. cloud_divider

    I'm not sure if I'm gonna cut my hair short or just let it grow out more.

    I'm not sure if I'm gonna cut my hair short or just let it grow out more.
  19. cloud_divider

    Important Skywars build contest extended till the end of july

    Thanks for the notice, I'm exited to see who wins this time.
  20. cloud_divider

    I did not expect this much for this keep it coming, anyways I think all of these are kinda cool.

    I did not expect this much for this keep it coming, anyways I think all of these are kinda cool.