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  1. Jesse_Plays

    Yo helper there's a bit of a commotion going on at creative

    Yo helper there's a bit of a commotion going on at creative
  2. Jesse_Plays

    Do u know what it takes to be a known player

    Do u know what it takes to be a known player
  3. Jesse_Plays

    I can get on around today sometime

    I can get on around today sometime
  4. Jesse_Plays

    I mean good person not god person

    I mean good person not god person
  5. Jesse_Plays

    I need u to invite me back to cavalry I'm a god person and did nothing to get kicked

    I need u to invite me back to cavalry I'm a god person and did nothing to get kicked
  6. Jesse_Plays

    Phew cause if she was leaving Foxcraft then theirs be something I'm upset about I mean its just...

    Phew cause if she was leaving Foxcraft then theirs be something I'm upset about I mean its just 1 staff member in a week or something someone will have taken don't panics place
  7. Jesse_Plays

    Is that all she resigned or is their more

    Is that all she resigned or is their more
  8. Jesse_Plays

    This person on forums people r saying goodbye to and stuff why

    This person on forums people r saying goodbye to and stuff why
  9. Jesse_Plays

    What's the rage with this don'tpanic person

    What's the rage with this don'tpanic person
  10. Jesse_Plays

    OK u were former staff right

    OK u were former staff right
  11. Jesse_Plays

    Help Foxcraft

    This is a bit late but hello Foxcraft you may know me from before or you my not my IRL name is John but you can call me Super originally I thought this was a 13+ forums but apparently not so owner if u could let me change my birthrate thtd be great.Anyways ilove making friends and I happen to...
  12. Jesse_Plays

    This girl is awesome she helped me get to the forums so I could contact cloakfox (the owner of...

    This girl is awesome she helped me get to the forums so I could contact cloakfox (the owner of Foxcraft) and have him help my ign on creative that was in a kindave permanent state of dead
  13. Jesse_Plays

    Who is he

    Who is he
  14. Jesse_Plays

    Uh what my forums name is if u do t know my forums name its Super_Guy I won't be on till tommorrow

    Uh what my forums name is if u do t know my forums name its Super_Guy I won't be on till tommorrow
  15. Jesse_Plays

    Dude help I got kicked from cavalry

    Dude help I got kicked from cavalry
  16. Jesse_Plays

    OK someone in cavalry kicked me

    OK someone in cavalry kicked me
  17. Jesse_Plays

    Say the real answr

    Say the real answr
  18. Jesse_Plays

    Its not my mom say the truth whts ur mc name

    Its not my mom say the truth whts ur mc name
  19. Jesse_Plays


  20. Jesse_Plays

    What person r u in the FAC

    What person r u in the FAC