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  1. Smudger

    2 in 1 cobble/basalt gen

    Very nice... But couldn't you just get your pickaxe and mine in the ground bro?
  2. Smudger

    Survival 1.17 Release

    I think everything is good. Minions are a weird addition but as long as they don't make everything pay to win I don't particularly care. The shop change is a great one and the 10k border idea is sensible also. Good job. Only thing I find disappointing is that there's not going to be any form of...
  3. Smudger


    Wow bro haha bro funniest sh*t I've read all day bro >"whether or not gay people can reply to the thread in offtopic (only gay people can) (excluding me)"
  4. Smudger


    What are you testing?
  5. Smudger

    multi spawner set up

    That's sick bro. But what if stacking gets disabled the farm would be rip.
  6. Smudger

    Maybe. I hope cloakfox readds /togglepvp and wild pvp to the server though. I'm going to upload...

    Maybe. I hope cloakfox readds /togglepvp and wild pvp to the server though. I'm going to upload a thread about it soon.
  7. Smudger


  8. Smudger

    Upcoming Empire? Elaborate sir Yipn...

    Upcoming Empire? Elaborate sir Yipn...
  9. Smudger


  11. Smudger

    Sad story bro F in the chat for dis squigg*Dances on you*

    Sad story bro F in the chat for dis squigg*Dances on you*
  12. Smudger

    lmao stop lying poo poo Pajeet. We all know you're from India but trying to act like you don't...

    lmao stop lying poo poo Pajeet. We all know you're from India but trying to act like you don't poo in the street.
  13. Smudger

    team homes

    /delhome (name) your welcome amigo :>
  14. Smudger

    Are you a gamer girl?

    Are you a gamer girl?
  15. Smudger


  16. Smudger

    @Tqzz Heh, I'll give you free Minecraft cookies and a nice warm hug if you try one on :>

    @Tqzz Heh, I'll give you free Minecraft cookies and a nice warm hug if you try one on :>
  17. Smudger

    Barxrifle? Factions dude right? I'm Ksmudger if you remember

    Barxrifle? Factions dude right? I'm Ksmudger if you remember
  18. Smudger

    Why's my pfp a rabbit..? bros?

    Why's my pfp a rabbit..? bros?
  19. Smudger

    Hello Taryn, Schmiedwanger here... You're looking spectacularly fine today and I could just see...

    Hello Taryn, Schmiedwanger here... You're looking spectacularly fine today and I could just see you all dressed up in a warm summer skirt in a field of daisies.... Oohoh... Hmmhmhm... Ooooohhhhahahahaaaaaaaaaha ..Tee hee..
  20. Smudger

    Shut the f*ck up and stop simping...

    Shut the f*ck up and stop simping...