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  1. GhostlyAnarchy

    LOL. Says you, you're the "Little girl" Don't even try to act. You are obviously not seventeen...

    LOL. Says you, you're the "Little girl" Don't even try to act. You are obviously not seventeen. Quit the act.
  2. GhostlyAnarchy

    Go **** yourself.

    Go **** yourself.
  3. GhostlyAnarchy


  4. GhostlyAnarchy


  5. GhostlyAnarchy

    Well I guess that idea is fucked now, huh, lmao.

    Well I guess that idea is fucked now, huh, lmao.
  6. GhostlyAnarchy

    Nope... Rip

    Nope... Rip
  7. GhostlyAnarchy

    Lol, xD

    Lol, xD
  8. GhostlyAnarchy


    True, but it's not exactly too op. I could easily get on is top within in a month if I actually tried. And so could anyone else. I just HATE McMMO and the fact someone got rid of baltop and that damn hologram.
  9. GhostlyAnarchy


    Skyblock doesn't need a reset, sure it needs fixes and a hell of a lot of work. But, you should of took the whole original plan into work (Making Vulcan McMMO and keeping Glacier the same.) Also, baltop was removed for some dumb reason. Why? I have items on here from the previous reset, and that...
  10. GhostlyAnarchy

    I kinda am back, Rip

    I kinda am back, Rip
  11. GhostlyAnarchy

    Fc got boring to me and so did mc, I rarely come on fc now and I don't plan on returning cause...

    Fc got boring to me and so did mc, I rarely come on fc now and I don't plan on returning cause it's honestly nothing like it was.
  12. GhostlyAnarchy

    Yeah, true I doubt they'd kill off someone like Eugene or Sasha cause it wouldn't cause that...

    Yeah, true I doubt they'd kill off someone like Eugene or Sasha cause it wouldn't cause that much of a shock, they were going for a important character kill here and he was already dead in the comics.
  13. GhostlyAnarchy

    True, but in previous POV scenes such as Daryl when he gets kidnapped by the savior, there was...

    True, but in previous POV scenes such as Daryl when he gets kidnapped by the savior, there was no hair in his face even though he clearly had hair visibly blocking his vision in the 3rd person shot.
  14. GhostlyAnarchy

    Abraham or Michonne, they won't kill off Rick or Carl due to "Anybody moves, anybody says...

    Abraham or Michonne, they won't kill off Rick or Carl due to "Anybody moves, anybody says anything - cut the boys other eye out and feed it to his father.. And THEN we’ll start." And Daryl is way too important of a character to just kill off.
  15. GhostlyAnarchy

    Thanks Glazed!

    Thanks Glazed!
  16. GhostlyAnarchy

    Thank you Star.

    Thank you Star.
  17. GhostlyAnarchy

    Thanks man

    Thanks man
  18. GhostlyAnarchy


  19. GhostlyAnarchy

    Resigning (Not a Goodbye)

    Damn.. never thought I'd see the day you'd resign; Anyway Good look with your career and your future, I'll miss ya man It's been nice knowing ya and all the fun times we've had on fc.
  20. GhostlyAnarchy

    Sons Of Anarchy marathon ftw.

    Sons Of Anarchy marathon ftw.