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  1. PureDepression


    stop being a smartass kid , ./msg iBrady there's a hacker sglacier im tagging him come spec ( isn't that much easier instead of downloading a software , do u think 10 year olds know how to do that p.s ./msg as in globally
  2. PureDepression


    dont be a smart arse kiddo ./msg is much easier #SoYannickHighIq #SoYannickForAdmin
  3. PureDepression


    i thought there's a question in applicationw here they ask ' what is ur actiivty levlel!!?!' :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO stahp fighting wif me im only a young lady i'll give u nuggets #hairgoals
  4. PureDepression


    ↑ U can always record by the time i set up recording software the hacker woulda toggled + why not hire staff from different timezones so it's a 24/7 job right , i mean *poof*
  5. PureDepression


    by the time i set up recording software the hacker woulda toggled
  6. PureDepression


    this server has good things such as the toxicity level and the choice of helpers because no one can watch me when im on coz , no asian staff ( racist). ok firstly , the staff rules , its dumb , if i say my horoscope is ****** ,i'll get muted for making fun of disabilities that's really smart...
  7. PureDepression


    u can't ./ct with or without rank , affects pvp , fix it
  8. PureDepression


    but u ugly
  9. PureDepression

    Staff rules

    Tqzz gave me nugits
  10. PureDepression


    Evan can you do me a favour papi , make a 'look at dis dood' for peytonb56 the scrub
  11. PureDepression

    My days are over

    ^^^^^^^^ Jacques is becoming a professional baseball substitute , good luck dude , daddy's proud! ;D
  12. PureDepression

    Helper Applications Open

    congratz admin
  13. PureDepression


    yeah has been long , pce bud
  14. PureDepression


    sup girl how u doin , fedex sushi?
  15. PureDepression


    will miss you 2 my dood , pce <3 shut up kid no one likes u p.s i quickdropped ur boyfriend _itzdivine_ so suck it
  16. PureDepression


    strafediamonds ;D sure hasbeen fun pighead bai <3
  17. PureDepression


    Sure has been fun , but time to say our goodbyes , BYE ;D ;(
  18. PureDepression


    shiet there was some kid who had the same pic xD add me instead its easier to find
  19. PureDepression


    btw if u wanna hmu my skype is ' PureIsDaddy' ( from singapore , its nicked so its easier for ya'll ) Discord : Pure#3741 Steam : PureDepression ( with my minecraft skin as prof pic)
  20. PureDepression


    gonna miss u too penguin p.s pey said you were dating mlg_kitty fedex me sushi Sent ;DDDDDD