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  1. DebleuTL

    In the top bar click on Forums, then scroll all the way to the bottom and click on "appeals"...

    In the top bar click on Forums, then scroll all the way to the bottom and click on "appeals". Read the posts there and use the given template.
  2. DebleuTL

    Not Enough Staff members or Staff members are to lazy [Choice]

    If I had a fortune 8 pick, I would lose it somehow haha
  3. DebleuTL

    Sell Hand

    Maybe that is done because making money should take time, speeding up the selling process would just result in everyone having a lot of money.
  4. DebleuTL

    Not Enough Staff members or Staff members are to lazy [Choice]

    I am a glacier player, and I do mind that there are players with Fortune 7 pickaxes. This is because I am the top miner of glacier xD (level 4700 mining already, no mcmmo bought, no life) But It's okey for me, because almost everyone who has such a pickaxe doesn't do anything with it.
  5. DebleuTL

    Also, have you also posted on the ban appeal section with the correct template instead of...

    Also, have you also posted on the ban appeal section with the correct template instead of placing it on profile pages?
  6. DebleuTL

    The only way to get banned instantly, is by the console detecting that you have hacks on your...

    The only way to get banned instantly, is by the console detecting that you have hacks on your minecraft enabled...
  7. DebleuTL

    Lets see how high we can count!!!

    Tought you used an online generator to paste from or something xD
  8. DebleuTL

    Sell Hand

    I agree on what RedTheFox said. If they want people to sell their stuff faster, there would be sell by 64 signs in stead of 16. This is done so the selling would take time, so you'll have to put some effort into it if you want to make money. Also, you might be person #300 suggesting the sell...
  9. DebleuTL

    Skyblock vulcan

    Everyone just buys it on my island, everything is in high demand haha. I even have multiple people asking me to keep emeralds in another chest so they could buy it (for $80 each) And $50 a gold ignot isn't doing bad either haha. (This is on glacier however)
  10. DebleuTL

    Skyblock vulcan

    Or just go mining, I've earned milions witouth even selling something at the VIP shop, just by mining and selling emerald and gold
  11. DebleuTL

    Skyblock vulcan

    What is not true?
  12. DebleuTL

    Skyblock vulcan

    then you can't have villagers that won't despawn and wich you can unlock / re-unlock trades with. The price of villager spawn eggs is way higher, because it can be a gold-mine.
  13. DebleuTL

    Bubbles and Soap

    Bubbles and Soap
  14. DebleuTL

    Not Enough Staff members or Staff members are to lazy [Choice]

    Is having an old token enchanted pickaxe banable? Caus I know some on glacier use them to...
  15. DebleuTL

    Have you bought Minecraft? If so, Open up your launcher, start minecraft with 1.8/1.9/1.10, and...

    Have you bought Minecraft? If so, Open up your launcher, start minecraft with 1.8/1.9/1.10, and go to your server browser. There click on "Add server", choose a name how you want to call the server and add "" as server IP. Than all You'll have to do is double click on the server...
  16. DebleuTL

    Titles gone on Skyblock Glacier

    Hello, Everyone on skyblock glacier lost their /title ... @cloakfox or any other staff, could this be fixed please? Greetings, DebleuTL
  17. DebleuTL

    Skyblock vulcan

    Please don't use caps or you won't get helped on the forums... So with villagers spawned with a villager egg, the cross won't go away if you trade something else with the villager, close the window, and open it again after about 5 seconds?
  18. DebleuTL

    Skyblock vulcan

    If you trade some times with a villager, it locks it's trading (a standar minecraft fauture) With normal villagers, you can just trade something else and it would unlock again, But this feature has been disabled for villagers spawned with spawners. If you can' to trade with villagers and unlock...