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  1. DebleuTL

    Word-Per-Person Story

  2. DebleuTL

    Good that it's the last day of the month xD

    Good that it's the last day of the month xD
  3. DebleuTL

    We're out of internet so I couldn't play today :(

    We're out of internet so I couldn't play today :(
  4. DebleuTL

    Word-Per-Person Story

  5. DebleuTL

    I'll download a lot of program's on school tomorrow and I hope I'll be able to download at home...

    I'll download a lot of program's on school tomorrow and I hope I'll be able to download at home again tomorrow... Hope to see you tomorrow!
  6. DebleuTL

    I've reset my PC today, but at 0.15 Mb/s downloadspeed atm. I can't even download google chrome...

    I've reset my PC today, but at 0.15 Mb/s downloadspeed atm. I can't even download google chrome, have to work with sucky Microsoft Edge...
  7. DebleuTL

    Event First 5 winners of our weekly top ad viewers!

    Yeah, it's easy, but it won't take long before some in the top 10 get there the afk way xD
  8. DebleuTL

    Event First 5 winners of our weekly top ad viewers!

    Last week it was $50, the $75 price starts this week, with the top 10 in stead of top 5. I still aint keen on this competition. It's just about who can write te best macro...
  9. DebleuTL


    Welcome Inara! That's a very special name, where are you from?
  10. DebleuTL

    Event Our new ad-rewards (videos) system and weekly webstore rewards!

    I heard a lot of players beeing able to watch the adds, but that's on skyblock glacier, with a lot of people from the netherlands. I myself am from Belgium, so I can't watch it to :/ This gives a big disadvantage, for example the guy who made 3k views in 3 days could get $750k on skyblock if he...
  11. DebleuTL

    Euhm... Is this normal?

    the new player can just use /is level to gain free island levels from the enchantment tables for free xD
  12. DebleuTL

    Event Our new ad-rewards (videos) system and weekly webstore rewards!

    I don't think there will be anything to track the balance, I guess it are just vouchers you'll receive and that you'll have to note them down somewhere. And what about the people macroing the sh*t out of it? xD
  13. DebleuTL

    Euhm... Is this normal?

    One of my neighbours with a big island has reset his/her island (Zexiah). Now I got a new neighbour but this is the result...
  14. DebleuTL

    Event Our new ad-rewards (videos) system and weekly webstore rewards!

    I find it a bit silly how the adds are used. Adds are supposed to attract potential buyers/players of the product in the add. Here everyone would open about 10 adds at once, not even listening to what the add is about xD So I just find it very dumb for the company that made this contract with...
  15. DebleuTL

    A little help needed ❤

    It is the same problem, but she still has to make a own thread about it, caus else her gates won't get unlocked by staff.
  16. DebleuTL

    Hellow guys its henff here (Introduction)

    Welcome :D Glacier or vulcan? :p
  17. DebleuTL


    Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! And welcome to the forums.
  18. DebleuTL


    Welcome Sir!
  19. DebleuTL


    Welcome Koekje :D I do speak dutch, but it's a common rule to speak english on the forums :)
  20. DebleuTL

    New Comer

    Welcome :D But I'm afraid that griefers are only the player's responsabillity for trusting them, and not of the staff :( But I do find it a horrible thing...