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  1. ACD02

    Nirds's GFX

    LOL so many request! Your are amazing at what you do and I think many members that have a YouTube Channel and needs help with banners should come to you!
  2. ACD02

    Print screen

    Nice Pic! ;)
  3. ACD02

    Hello i'm GummyBeats

    Hope you had a good time and enjoy yourself on Foxcraft! ;)
  4. ACD02

    New Dude

    Glad you chose to join Foxcraft! Good luck on your adventures as quest :)
  5. ACD02

    Zulixus's Introduction

    Welcome to the server! Hope you have fun and I think it's cool that your fav animal is a fox and your on Foxcraft! Also what servers/ game modes do you play on the server??
  6. ACD02

    hey, I'm new here!

    Welcome to the server just go to the site @planecool listed and make sure to use the Templete! Good Luck hope to see you back in the server ;)
  7. ACD02

    Owner of Apollo! If you would like to join just send me a PM on formus

    Owner of Apollo! If you would like to join just send me a PM on formus
  8. ACD02

    Mcfoxcraft Factions: 6 - INSANE RAID FIND!!

    Nice episode! What is your name on YT
  9. ACD02

    Active Staff

    Who is the staff that banned you?? I agree staff have life's just like us! However, unless you are on vacation or something you should be able to log-in for like 10 mins everyday at least! Also, I think it would be good for more than 2 staff members knowing how to SS. Just an opinion not...
  10. ACD02


    It could be a thing but why have a twitch stream and no YouTube vids
  11. ACD02

    I'm back

    I'm back
  12. ACD02

    Ingame ranks linked to the forums! And new /f war gamemodes! (KOTHS, CTF, TDM)

    Thanks for the addition @cloakfox
  13. ACD02

    Skills Faction Application | [Factions Magma]

    Ok sweet I'll get on tmrw sometime
  14. ACD02

    Skills Faction Application | [Factions Magma]

    In-Game Name: ACD02 Balance: 250$ (I got stated playing since reset) Power: 10/10 Any item of significant: obby and tnt! ( I will get more like I said I just started playing agian since reset) How long have you played Factions: 3 years How long have you played Foxcraft: 3 1/2 years! Skype: I...
  15. ACD02

    Taking some time off! I will be on like once a week

    Taking some time off! I will be on like once a week
  16. ACD02


    Ik but they don't have the same idems! I not asking for /echest to come back I'm asking to get my idems back out of my /echest
  17. ACD02


    Umm... One ender chest and echest are two different thing and I have stuff stored in my echest that I would like to get! Two you aren't Staff you can't close
  18. ACD02


    @cloakfox I think it is a little unfair that you removed the echest command without any notice at all! Me and many other member keep out most valuables in our echest and same for factions! So please consider adding it back for a time period for people to redeem thier ideas out of them, or just...
  19. ACD02

    Finishing up VIP shop on skyblock shop

    Finishing up VIP shop on skyblock shop
  20. ACD02

    Oh ok

    Oh ok