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  1. EKplaysMC

    Staff questions

    Don't worry. It's only to catch advertisers, people who use restricted words, or spammers. If it's none of our business, we ignore it. (Or, that's what I do. Do a quick read so as to make sure they're not breaking the rules, then I just forget what I read)
  2. EKplaysMC

    Staff questions

    Lets the Staff members see what players are /msg'ing to each other so we may take action if they break the rules in /msg.
  3. EKplaysMC

    Staff questions

    Helper has the commands: /socialspy, /warn, /kick, and /tempban. Any extra commands we have are for moderating purposes.
  4. EKplaysMC

    Staff questions

    I do agree that a couple of the new Helpers are kind of random picks of player's I've never seen or heard of. I personally will keep a super close eye on them.
  5. EKplaysMC

    Staff questions

    That stats page is new. I've played this server for 3 years, and was previously a Staff member. All of the Staff except for a couple of the Helpers are very well known members who have played for a while now. The stats page isn't the best thing to judge off of. Also, if there's any problems on...
  6. EKplaysMC


  7. EKplaysMC

    Hearts Bugg Skyblock

    Please create a bug report in the 'Bug Reports' section of the forums. Please also use the correct format. /closed
  8. EKplaysMC

    Staff questions

    Helpers and Staff are here to moderate the server and forums. Whether that be muting, banning, warning or otherwise making sure players are following the rules that have been set. They are here to be helpful, mature and friendly, all while also being an authority figure. They are on this server...
  9. EKplaysMC

    ye boi

    ye boi
  10. EKplaysMC

    I'l go whatever meat chu like

    I'l go whatever meat chu like
  11. EKplaysMC

    New helpers!

    I will young man
  12. EKplaysMC

    Thanks for all the congratulations everyone!! I'm a bit busy today, but tomorrow I'm going ham.

    Thanks for all the congratulations everyone!! I'm a bit busy today, but tomorrow I'm going ham.
  13. EKplaysMC


    Lie To Me
  14. EKplaysMC

    KitPvP Montage ( please dont hate for 1x1 resolution ;-;)

    @Michael·and @Glazed how does one of you two always end up starting **** over any and everything? Just leave each other alone. Christ. @Michael· why are you insulting him after all he did was state his opinion that this guy should get some better software? If you're going to constantly argue, PM...
  15. EKplaysMC


    ____'s out for Harambe!! Welcome!
  16. EKplaysMC

    The kids on KitPvP still think I hack. im dead

    The kids on KitPvP still think I hack. im dead
  17. EKplaysMC

    Player Count issue solution/petition.

    I added the Str2 after the video bc I remembered. Tank will be added.
  18. EKplaysMC

    Player Count issue solution/petition.

    That was the hidden kit. This one was purchasable. I saw it in an old video just the other day.
  19. EKplaysMC

    Player Count issue solution/petition.

    Tybb is fixed
  20. EKplaysMC

    Player Count issue solution/petition.

    Honestly... Here they are, either perfected through video footage, or from memory: The OG Kits