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  1. EKplaysMC

    i must confess

    HOLY GRAVEDIG!!!! /closed
  2. EKplaysMC

    Yeah, perfect age range for what I said.

    Yeah, perfect age range for what I said.
  3. EKplaysMC

    Sending nudes to Danny?

    Sending nudes to Danny?
  4. EKplaysMC

    TvMonko, when I am on, I bet you cash you're asleep or at school.

    TvMonko, when I am on, I bet you cash you're asleep or at school.
  5. EKplaysMC

    I never said you no life the game BOI. I said that I don't. Maybe you should accurately read...

    I never said you no life the game BOI. I said that I don't. Maybe you should accurately read what I said.
  6. EKplaysMC

    Yeah, 2 years ago I played all the time. 50 hours is clearly an exaggeration, but I would play...

    Yeah, 2 years ago I played all the time. 50 hours is clearly an exaggeration, but I would play for at least an hour or 2 a day. Because 2 years ago there were actually people on at the same time as me. Since then the most I've played is maybe an hour in one sitting. Just because I don't no life...
  7. EKplaysMC

    Good for them. When I'm online there's maybe 60 people spread across the entire server. Most of...

    Good for them. When I'm online there's maybe 60 people spread across the entire server. Most of them speak another language than I or they are afk, or they are just following the rules. Just because people are actually following the rules while I'm on, doesn't discredit my staffing abilities...
  8. EKplaysMC

    ThePowerOfSix appriciation thread

    No one appreciates you because you're a disrespectful little ****... Lmao. If you didn't break the rules and constantly try to piss everyone off, maybe people would've liked you better. :)
  9. EKplaysMC

    I spend maybe 30 mins a day on the internet, and when I do, I'm checking the forums. Ill be...

    I spend maybe 30 mins a day on the internet, and when I do, I'm checking the forums. Ill be logging to to the server after my computer gets fixed, as quite a few of the keys stopped working. And id rather be inactive for a little than hack or abuse a few of the old helpers did. Believe me, if I...
  10. EKplaysMC

    Have a life= Ez not a little **** who spends hours on the internet.

    Have a life= Ez not a little **** who spends hours on the internet.
  11. EKplaysMC

    Md2014, that's not what your mom said. ;)

    Md2014, that's not what your mom said. ;)
  12. EKplaysMC

    R.I.P Carrie Fisher. May the Force be with you, princess.

    R.I.P Carrie Fisher. May the Force be with you, princess.
  13. EKplaysMC

    Old Players.

    September 2013
  14. EKplaysMC

    Feel old yet?

    I didn't. I don't even know what it said.
  15. EKplaysMC

    Goodbye for now.

  16. EKplaysMC

    Feel old yet?

    Remember Eftro? This is him now.
  17. EKplaysMC

    Feel old yet?

    Remember Producing? This is him now.
  18. EKplaysMC

    Feel old yet?

    Remember connor12568? This is him now. Feel old yet?
  19. EKplaysMC

    I'm calling that the pudgy kid from the Spider-Man trailer dies, only because he finds out Peter...

    I'm calling that the pudgy kid from the Spider-Man trailer dies, only because he finds out Peter is Spider-man. Calling it now.
  20. EKplaysMC

    Dear Julia,

    This is cringier than ASMR. This is cringier than Jacob Satorious or whatever the **** that kids name is. This is cringier than a 90 year old lady saying "its lit" in the middle of the super market. This is cringier than the super senior in my first period doing a ******* shoe puppet show...