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  1. VictorH1


    we need this on spotify, asap
  2. VictorH1

    Grumpy cat

    Grumpy cat
  3. VictorH1


  4. VictorH1

    new Kingdoms ( please read )

    In my oppinion Kingdoms is in a state that is either loved or hated by players, it contains some flaws and unbalances but I don't think a reset is the solution for this. +1 for the idea of nether and end resets since this could only help new players and not harm longer/more geared players A...
  5. VictorH1

    no problem my guy and thx :)

    no problem my guy and thx :)
  6. VictorH1

    tysm :))

    tysm :))
  7. VictorH1

    Foxcraft Skyblock Semi-Auto Brewer

    ty very much it took pretty long to design it, it has bits and pieces from different auto brewers
  8. VictorH1

    Foxcraft Skyblock Semi-Auto Brewer

    Well the way that skyblock hoppers work is that they let 11 blocks at a time thru and not even at a consistent rate so your idea would be pretty hard to make but it still is a good idea. :)
  9. VictorH1

    Foxcraft Skyblock Semi-Auto Brewer

    Intro: Hello my name is Victor and im making this forum post because i had lots of requests from people who wanted me to give them my design of my own made semi-auto Brewer that works on the skyblock gamemode. I have tried many designs i found online but they don't work because of the special...
  10. VictorH1

    how do i create a ban appeal?

    how do i create a ban appeal?