If you were in the snowball event, it almost has the same concept.
You spawn at your teams base, then run towards enemies, hit them off the map with your item (prob kb thing), team/person with most points/kills, wins
Then i strongly advice you to make a bug report about this in https://www.mcfoxcraft.com/forums/bug-reports.26/ and lets hope you get some help with this issue
+ u could ask your friend to come back on if they're able to, and /marry again.
Marriage itself does not expire, u could marry someone in 2015 and still be married till this day if u didn't /marry divorce. But seeing from what happened, your friend /marry divorce'd.
Was he online at the time where the message was shown?
Was he close to you in game?
Bc in order to get...
If you have any proof, i would highly suggest making a player report towards this issue in https://www.mcfoxcraft.com/forums/player-reports.23/ but if you don't, we/staff can't sadly help, because it's word against word :(