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  1. BirdDragon3

    New Year Giveaway

    IGN: BirdDragon3 Discord: Bird#4877
  2. BirdDragon3

    It has been a month since the last question. The world is in turmoil

    It has been a month since the last question. The world is in turmoil
  3. BirdDragon3

    Event 2022 Christmas Event Bird#4877
  4. BirdDragon3

    Bring back the og days

    For me it was the simplistic nature. It was a lot more simple than it is now with minions and all the other add-ons
  5. BirdDragon3

    As the wise ones once said. See ya next helper apps. Wish you the best of luck

    As the wise ones once said. See ya next helper apps. Wish you the best of luck
  6. BirdDragon3

    Thoughts? - Player Specific Item Textures (Resource Pack)

    It sounds like an interesting idea. The only issue this may present is the possibility for it to spread among the players and have someone download it from someone else only to have it have a virus file included in the texture pack. I personally would not download it as I'm not a fan of texture...
  7. BirdDragon3

    How is it that when you want life to go fast it doesn't but when you want it to slow down it...

    How is it that when you want life to go fast it doesn't but when you want it to slow down it hits you like a freight train? I used to be able to sit at the computer and play these games all day long. Now I can barely manage the time to come on the forums and interact with the community
  8. BirdDragon3

    Only 3 months late but thank you :)

    Only 3 months late but thank you :)
  9. BirdDragon3

    Why cloak should disable keepinventory

    no fly, no auction house, no shop, no claims, no nothing. just the required plugins for staff to do their job
  10. BirdDragon3

    You got called out but no one gave a damn lol

    You got called out but no one gave a damn lol
  11. BirdDragon3

    make stone generates produce stone instead of cobelstone

    Stone generators work if you set them up correctly lol
  12. BirdDragon3

    Why this staff team fails over and over again.

    Was that even english? Find it noob
  13. BirdDragon3

    Change In Foxcraft.

    I'm also going to input my own little piece here. I hope that the denial messages get changed a little from the standard format. Right now when you get denied you usually get a copy-pasted denial message. I understand it would take too long to personalize one for all the applicants but it helps...
  14. BirdDragon3

    Thoughts On Foxcraft.

    Oh and not to mention you've got 3 of your staff that agree with what we're saying here. One of them publicly acknowledging it and giving props to us for making this
  15. BirdDragon3

    Thoughts On Foxcraft.

    I've heard a little bit of both A lot of old staff say they enjoyed their time but there is almost the same amount that says it's stressful and their complaints don't get listened to. In this next part I'm speaking from experience. Yes, staffing was fun but there were times where we voiced our...
  16. BirdDragon3

    Thoughts On Foxcraft.

    You have playtime and activity listed as a requirement on your forums so you're kind of contradicting yourself
  17. BirdDragon3

    Thoughts On Foxcraft.

    Explain what your idea/proposal is. You threw out that you had one but you didn't explain what it is
  18. BirdDragon3

    Thoughts On Foxcraft.

    Now i'm not coming after you just to attack you cloak BUT. I think you need to take a step back on adding new features and worry about fixing the issues with the features you've got. You also need to update your staff requirement page because it is outdated and most times it doesn't get followed
  19. BirdDragon3

    Thoughts On Foxcraft.

    Don't you think you should've read all the responses before commenting?
  20. BirdDragon3

    Thoughts On Foxcraft.

    Yeah, I'm going to paraphrase tqzz above me in saying it's good all staff used to get to input their opinions on each applicant because then it could give the whole team insight on a person. Like, say Applicant A applied and everyone likes his application but Staff Member C knows this person is...