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    dzultra im aware but just wanted to ask for fun cause im bored and i rlly dont care if he wont respond cause its his wish to sell it or not
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    Bucket in Minecraft

    first think of what ur saying lol
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    Bucket in Minecraft

    and how exactly can you prove that?
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    cloakfox i dont want to buy the server and i cant but just asking if i could buy the server how much would u sell it for :skull:
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    Bro i want to get unbanned can a admin please unban me i did nothing wrong :(

    its like the only server i like to play on because everyone is so kind and the server is not that much p2w
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    Bro i want to get unbanned can a admin please unban me i did nothing wrong :(

    K but I rlly wanna get unbanned maaan
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    Is skyfox worth it?

    Guys i hope the staff team at Foxcraft sees my ban apeal so maybe if i get unbanned should i get the skyfox rank for oneblock (i already have rabbit) @Icecream1231231 just wanted to tell u im perm banned :( i hope ur not banned because of me or something my ign is __Iapetus__
  8. X

    Bro i want to get unbanned can a admin please unban me i did nothing wrong :(

    like dzultra said just wait even i got perm banned for advertising even though i just told my friend to join a server we both already knew existed so i dont know how that is advertising and also i /msged so it would not count as advertisment cause i only told my friend
  9. X

    check ban apeal please

    i got banned for advertising but my friend already knew the server which we were joining please unban __Iapetus__