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  1. Lqrenzo

    Happy bday !

    Happy bday !
  2. Lqrenzo

    Reset? :D

    Clips of me beating you
  3. Lqrenzo

    Reset? :D

    he has 1 clip where he was pvping me in vanish! Dean is a nooby
  4. Lqrenzo

    Monthly Summary | March 2024

    Thanks for the giftcard :D
  5. Lqrenzo

    Reset? :D

    I would certainly be in favor of removing keepinv, but then Scarface would lose all their loot to me :D
  6. Lqrenzo

    Reset? :D

    Kingdoms will get a reset, it has been said that Kingdoms will get a reset in the first half of 2024 (so until about June).
  7. Lqrenzo

    Easter brawl & Egg hunt // Easter event

    Type /vote ingame, click on “Giftcards” there you can choose wich giftcard you want to create. You will receive a code, this is the code that you can use in the store. To see all your giftcards you can type /vote again and click on “Your Giftcards”.
  8. Lqrenzo

    Easter brawl & Egg hunt // Easter event

    Lets win !
  9. Lqrenzo

    Super piñata

    If I'm honest, not such a bad idea. Make a suggestion about it here: And ye, paragraphs would be nice :(
  10. Lqrenzo

    Way to expensive mana

    You can also invade a Kingdom, then you get a free claim (I suggest to invade Scarface) !
  11. Lqrenzo

    How do I leave the team on one block?

    Type ingame /ob team leave
  12. Lqrenzo

    Stability Improvements did not quite work

    You can report this kind of things here: Foxcraft Forums ( After all, there are a lot of farms that demand a lot from the server. But for now, it's not really causing any problems. So I don't know if it's necessary to report this now. Normally, staff members / cloakfox keep an...
  13. Lqrenzo

    Ello, Cold's here!

    Welcome :D
  14. Lqrenzo

    Skill Tree Upgrade Help: Jalapenos?!

    Hi, I have no experience with Pyrofarming at all. But maybe this can help you further: A Comprehensive Oneblock Guide: PyroFarming | Foxcraft Forums (
  15. Lqrenzo

    You probably have the member rank, but [Bedrock] overrides [Member]. You should have all the...

    You probably have the member rank, but [Bedrock] overrides [Member]. You should have all the member perks.
  16. Lqrenzo


  17. Lqrenzo

    Make sure your forums name is EXACTLY the same as your minecraft username. If you play on...

    Make sure your forums name is EXACTLY the same as your minecraft username. If you play on bedrock, you have to put a * in front of your username. If you already have another rank, this rank overrides the member rank, but you will still have all member perks.
  18. Lqrenzo

    I cant join Foxcraft.

    Hi, the server is down atm. It will be fixed as quickly as possible!
  19. Lqrenzo


  20. Lqrenzo

    Meme Event Submission: Riko0o0

    pogface #1