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  1. Derms

    Baii Guys

    thanks cya around lol thanks cya thanks cya
  2. Derms

    Baii Guys

    lol ya thanks cya
  3. Derms

    Baii Guys

    heh, i remember when i used to say that to everyone Thanks :D cya around
  4. Derms

    Baii Guys

    yup cya thanks
  5. Derms

    Varied's Banner Shop!

  6. Derms

    Gage, NoScreenies is Dermsy....

    Gage, NoScreenies is Dermsy....
  7. Derms

    Just updated comp. Now when i launch me it starts to launch. then about 5 seconds later it...

    Just updated comp. Now when i launch me it starts to launch. then about 5 seconds later it crashes. How do i fix it
  8. Derms

    Baii Guys

  9. Derms

    Baii Guys

    Lol, cya
  10. Derms

    Baii Guys

  11. Derms

    Baii Guys

    Alright, so I made a thread about me quitting a few months ago, but this time im actually quitting. I joined this server 1 year, 4 months, and 11 days ago. I was banned about 1 year ago from today, since then, I have been telling everyone that it was my cousin that was hacking on that account...
  12. Derms


  13. Derms

    Happy new year. Hope you guys had a good 2017

    Happy new year. Hope you guys had a good 2017
  14. Derms

    Skyblock Glacier Revamp!

    oh okay
  15. Derms

    Skyblock Glacier Revamp!

    looks really nice, but isnt this post a lil late?
  16. Derms

    Someone's dogs wrecked smudger

    Someone's dogs wrecked smudger
  17. Derms

    Merry Christmas Guys

    Merry Christmas Guys
  18. Derms


    Eyo I'm here to introduce a new team. The name of the team is LegionWarriors. But the name is too long, so in game you will see it as: LegionW. It is combined with the Legion team, but just a different branch of the team. Legion will be known for building and doing the stuff they have been...
  19. Derms

    Inspirational quote of the day