Search results

  1. 11kobeer

    Favourite MOD?

    IlLEgAl MODs r nOt AlLowEd oN tHe seRVEr :(
  2. 11kobeer

    bc ur not following me

    bc ur not following me
  3. 11kobeer

    I've checked PMs, and I have none from you xD

    I've checked PMs, and I have none from you xD
  4. 11kobeer

    New Manager

    Welcome, Brady! So good to have you on the team!
  5. 11kobeer

    Welcome! We really need a Manager! I wish you the best of luck, and I know the players do as well :D

    Welcome! We really need a Manager! I wish you the best of luck, and I know the players do as well :D
  6. 11kobeer

    Foxcraft Memories

    Yeah I joined before you, but you got staff before me :(
  7. 11kobeer


  8. 11kobeer


  9. 11kobeer

    New Helpers

    Hey, Everyone! I am excited to announce the new Helpers. Out of 82 applications made, 9 have been accepted: @C2Obezerk @icebreaker1 @_Arktic @SoYannick @ProbationZ @TheCooldude087 @Melaniee_ @iSquishy_ @Tqzz I would like to thank everyone who made an application for taking the time to do so...
  10. 11kobeer


  11. 11kobeer

    lol i always follow back

    lol i always follow back
  12. 11kobeer

    10 mil in game money

    10 mil in game money
  13. 11kobeer

    Helper Applications Open

    Helper applications have been closed. New Helpers will be announced in a few days! Good luck to all!
  14. 11kobeer

    They have been closed.

    They have been closed.
  15. 11kobeer

    thx plane!

    thx plane!
  16. 11kobeer

    Helper Applications Open

    Hey Foxcrafters, Helper applications are now opened. Before making an application, please read this thread in its entirety. Helper applications will be opened for a week. After they close, please allow a few days to a week for the announcement of the new Helpers to come out. I wish you all...
  17. 11kobeer

    You outdid yourself on the first one. It's literally perfect xD. You keep trying to outdo...

    You outdid yourself on the first one. It's literally perfect xD. You keep trying to outdo yourself but you can't
  18. 11kobeer


  19. 11kobeer

    wow u mad emotional

    wow u mad emotional
  20. 11kobeer

    That is something I cannot fix. You are going to need to report that in our Bug Reports section...

    That is something I cannot fix. You are going to need to report that in our Bug Reports section of the forum, using the correct format.