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  1. Shafiq

    Rocket League

    lol you both would never survive a 2v2, yall big ball chasers and bumpers ):
  2. Shafiq

    Rocket League

    next time wont be that easy fam
  3. Shafiq

    Rocket League

    Hello Community, I took on @vcqx and @lnstagram in rocket league and lost with an outcome of 7-2. Including wagers and conditions, this forum post is 1 of them. Due to my loss, I hereby declare those 2 the winners for now. We started first with a best of 3 with me in the lead of 2-1. Shortly...
  4. Shafiq

    Since there's is a huge skill gap between us I've acknowledged your efforts regarding the last...

    Since there's is a huge skill gap between us I've acknowledged your efforts regarding the last battle we fought. I am highly proud of you guys for entertaining me so I'm looking forward to more. Keep hustling like heroes to defeat the villain. May you bring peace again. Yours Truly -Grand Champion
  5. Shafiq

    I don't think it's wrong getting a victory once a while, all the humiliating defeat you 2...

    I don't think it's wrong getting a victory once a while, all the humiliating defeat you 2 suffered must be hard. I too have much to learn since I felt inconsistent that day due to cold fingers. Feel free to challenge me again once you gain more experience. You both would suffer a gigantic loss...
  6. Shafiq

    Chat Games Help

  7. Shafiq

    ehh i don't think i need to give my all against plats. that was mere freestyling for...

    ehh i don't think i need to give my all against plats. that was mere freestyling for improvement. playing against better people gives you plats a better taste at speed.
  8. Shafiq

    All fun and games but have you ever seen gram own goaling from a ''Distance''...

    All fun and games but have you ever seen gram own goaling from a ''Distance''
  9. Shafiq

    Hi James

    Hi James
  10. Shafiq

    my condolences to him

    my condolences to him
  11. Shafiq

    :happybirthday: :owa:

    :happybirthday: :owa:
  12. Shafiq

    yea you got kirito and asuna as pfp i think

    yea you got kirito and asuna as pfp i think
  13. Shafiq

    gone cause gram doesn't deserve to see real e-sport logo :flames:

    gone cause gram doesn't deserve to see real e-sport logo :flames:
  14. Shafiq

    I would be so hot if I were a female, crazy

    I would be so hot if I were a female, crazy
  15. Shafiq

    im rewatching it and for sure missed it

    im rewatching it and for sure missed it
  16. Shafiq

    Watch ''food wars'' the plot good and a lot of competition

    Watch ''food wars'' the plot good and a lot of competition
  17. Shafiq

    Congratulations, looking forward to work with you

    Congratulations, looking forward to work with you
  18. Shafiq

    Tqzz And Progio won

  19. Shafiq

    Tqzz And Progio won

    So you're telling me I wasted my time teaching gram mechanics early today? including my pro settings that I gave him? Give them back @lnstagram I'm disappointed unless you make a comeback. Basically, a former diamond (strafe) and a new peaker at diamond (gram) both took an L from 2 golds...
  20. Shafiq


    jokes on you, not even admins can