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  1. iSquishy


  2. iSquishy

    overchargepunik put helper on his /nick! omg omg reported

    only staff can do /closed dummy
  3. iSquishy

    Foxcraft "Disconnected"

    maybe your location might to far from the host but the lssue is cloak or no one can fix this, only you can with your connection as its not server side
  4. iSquishy


    attention seeking much lmao xD
  5. iSquishy

    Foxcraft Community In A Nutshell

    sounds about right
  6. iSquishy

    Foxcraft "Disconnected"

    get a better wifi company or router thingy, i get this alot as mine is ****
  7. iSquishy

    no tell me

    no tell me
  8. iSquishy

    What fox?

    What fox?
  9. iSquishy

    Wiggle wiggle

    Wiggle wiggle
  10. iSquishy

    Can u read my appeal dude

    Can u read my appeal dude
  11. iSquishy

    New Helpers!

    Why make a hacker a helperrr?