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  1. Arktic7

    Welcome To Me!

    Hi welcome, hope you play aton of factions!!!
  2. Arktic7

    Factions Reset: HCF vs. Regular Factions

    Lol that name @Arktic_L but I wouldn t play
  3. Arktic7

    Yes/No Game

    I love trains soo very much, are you smart in school?
  4. Arktic7

    Yes/No Game

    I like @cloakfox, do you enjoy being a staff member?
  5. Arktic7

    Yes/No Game

    I love factions one of the best severs, do you have friends? If so are the cool?
  6. Arktic7

    Yes/No Game

    @Yoahi Are you a male? This i a tough one i think??? to answer...hehe not taking shots, i just trying to think of tough ones to not say Yes or no to u got me, not trying to start beef.
  7. Arktic7

    Texture pack?

    fine lol
  8. Arktic7

    Texture pack?

    But u didnt answer my questions...
  9. Arktic7

    Texture pack?

    Does that have a large sword or a small sword and what color is the armor
  10. Arktic7

    Texture pack?

    old faithful low fire is nice
  11. Arktic7


    Hey and welcome play factions
  12. Arktic7

    2nd Dragon Defeat.

    Nice kill
  13. Arktic7

    Cheerful Cloak

    DANG dude how much time did this take?
  14. Arktic7


    He goes my birdfox now?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  15. Arktic7

    AMAZING FURNACE HUT! SkyBlock Ep. 4!

    I agree with that
  16. Arktic7

    Every Ride Has To End.

    Goodbye hope you get unbanned and eventually come back to Foxcraft!
  17. Arktic7

    I don't dupe -.-

    savage playz
  18. Arktic7

    it just doesnt end

  19. Arktic7

    New to surver

    Welcome to Foxcraft dude hope you enjoy it!!!
  20. Arktic7


    90 alts dangggggggg!