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  1. JPlay08


    Always sad to see people go.. Hope to still see you around! Thank you for all your hard work put into the server.
  2. JPlay08

    Congratulations to all the new Helpers! You definitely deserved it.

    Congratulations to all the new Helpers! You definitely deserved it.
  3. JPlay08

    Congrats on Helper dude!

    Congrats on Helper dude!
  4. JPlay08

    New batch of helpers! Apps are closed for now!

    Congratz guys! I'm sure you all will make wonderful helpers!
  5. JPlay08

    Predictions For Helper

    I'm guessing @Micm_ will get it for sure. I'm not quite sure who else though..
  6. JPlay08

    eh, je sait un peux, mais pas vraiment bon.. :P

    eh, je sait un peux, mais pas vraiment bon.. :P
  7. JPlay08

    Je ne pense pas que AlainM sait le francais, alros je vais le traduire pour toi... AlainM, he...

    Je ne pense pas que AlainM sait le francais, alros je vais le traduire pour toi... AlainM, he said "Hello AlainM, exuse me for sisturbing you, but there is a problem on KiPvP. When I kill someon it sais in chat that I won 9$, but I don't recive it. Why?"
  8. JPlay08

    May the fourth be with you.. #NationalStarWarsDay

    May the fourth be with you.. #NationalStarWarsDay
  9. JPlay08

    Idk, I never asked...

    Idk, I never asked...
  10. JPlay08


    Thanks everyone! It's great to be back. I'm a boy.
  11. JPlay08


    Oops, fixed. xD
  12. JPlay08


    I applied for Helper, but I'm not sure if I'll get it or not.
  13. JPlay08


    Hello Foxcraft! As you can tell by the title, I am returning to the server. The main reason why I resigned/stopped playing, was because I needed to focus more on my school work. But now that the end of the school year is approaching us, I have decided to come back. I look froward to playing with...
  14. JPlay08

    Ideas for EULA compliance

    Well as you can see, everyone is going crazy over the old kitpvp map. So I'm pretty sure you know that kitpvp is dead right now, so maybe if you do bring back the old kitpvp it would bring up the player count, as those were the peak days for Foxcraft, especially kitpvp. Lately, you have been...
  15. JPlay08


    1) Hockey 2) Video Games 3) Hanging out with friends 4) Netflix 5) Base ball 6) Swimming 7) Reading
  16. JPlay08

    Anotha KitPvP update!

    Sounds great! The titles seem like a really fun idea, and hopefully it will bring more players to kitpvp. Can't wait to get on and try it out!
  17. JPlay08

    Well the whole reason why I resigned, was because the school work was becoming too much for me...

    Well the whole reason why I resigned, was because the school work was becoming too much for me. But now that summer is almost here, I want to come back to the server. But thanks, you too!
  18. JPlay08

    Yo, Happy birthday! :D

    Yo, Happy birthday! :D
  19. JPlay08

    Only 2 more months until summer! Can't wait. :D

    Only 2 more months until summer! Can't wait. :D
  20. JPlay08

    Thanks, you too! I was a little unsure of if I wanted to apply or not, but with the school year...

    Thanks, you too! I was a little unsure of if I wanted to apply or not, but with the school year coming to an end, I think I should be able to handle it. :)