Search results

  1. Defol

    apply again lol

    apply again lol
  2. Defol

    i pley overwatthefu- and thotnite lol how r u fren? i h0pe do wel.

    i pley overwatthefu- and thotnite lol how r u fren? i h0pe do wel.
  3. Defol

    The Ballad Of AkaDakota

    I didn't bother to read this but boi she thicc
  4. Defol

    Who actually wants/doesn't want a survival reset?

    couldn't give less of a/an bad word/bad words can't say it because this is such an awfully sensitive and dead server
  5. Defol

    lol I liked watching them a year ago, shame fox died though huh. Factions used to be lit, now...

    lol I liked watching them a year ago, shame fox died though huh. Factions used to be lit, now its shi- i mean wow it's so great.
  6. Defol

    Giant Glass Ceiling is Finally Done

    fat waste of ti- i mean good job
  7. Defol

    your doing a fine job as mod young doggie, do me proud and get to CM then come back to make me...

    your doing a fine job as mod young doggie, do me proud and get to CM then come back to make me helper. Jk, this server will never be what it was but I'm laying it on your shoulders to make sure it doesn't incinerate itself and turn to ashes. gl and ur mum is a respectful woman cya around
  8. Defol

    holy shite my dud gratz xd

    holy shite my dud gratz xd
  9. Defol

    Hey nerds

    stupid mentor go back to living with bears in some random American forest
  10. Defol

    b L e a c h yey

    b L e a c h yey
  11. Defol

    The new season of Factions @cloakfox

    i need 2 watch some yt quality content from Exinnity pls add +1 kthx lol
  12. Defol

    u must be blind

    u must be blind
  13. Defol


  14. Defol

    It's been a long time...

    old not awful hub
  15. Defol


  16. Defol

    half naked men as profile pictures seems legit

    half naked men as profile pictures seems legit
  17. Defol


    'successfull position' You're older than me and probably have more sense of what's right and wrong but there's nothing successful from being a helper on a low population dutch minecraft server when you could be using your time for something usefull and pushing yourself further, not getting...
  18. Defol


  19. Defol

    what happened to brady?

    what happened to brady?
  20. Defol

    goodbye fren

    goodbye fren