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  1. ExInfinity

    how DOES VIOLET DO the impossible get out of pvp?!!?

    ur bad that's how
  2. ExInfinity

    Factions Changelog

    Its interesting you should remove /k invade because it sounds kind of op Also you can only claim one piece of land at a time, instead of being able to claim a radius (like /f claim 4) Also there should be a max amount of resource points or claimed land you can have Other than that, it seems like...
  3. ExInfinity

    forums account almost 3 years old yeet yeet

    forums account almost 3 years old yeet yeet
  4. ExInfinity

    hello im new can I have help please

    u r mentally handicapped
  5. ExInfinity

    you've been playing games since you were 3?

    you've been playing games since you were 3?
  6. ExInfinity

    HELP FIND Mushroomgirl_

    This comment was from January 20th, but the first time the name "Mushroomgirl_" appeared in Minecraft was Jan. 22. Unless we're talking about back in 2012 before permanent usernames existed
  7. ExInfinity

    what's ligma

    what's ligma
  8. ExInfinity


    server kinda ded
  9. ExInfinity

    Factions Changelog

    1. Money pouches (give you a random amount of money, could be from $100K-$500K or $500K-$1M+) 2. Higher monetary rewards ($25K from a crate key on the first day of Factions is still trash, people get 2 or 3 IGS on the first day, meaning they make millions of dollars already, meaning they've made...
  10. ExInfinity

    Factions Changelog

    Hi so around every reset I make a forum post where I suggest a lot of fixes and changes I think should be added to factions. So here is the new one for the first reset of 2019 Factions Claims A big problem with factions has been the lack of raids. There are still people that play, and bases to...
  11. ExInfinity

    Factions resetting on 17-08-2018!

    it is 1.8 based
  12. ExInfinity

    cant think of a title

    hi I hope u remember me
  13. ExInfinity
  14. ExInfinity

    If factions makes the changes that I posted about than I'll come back and start to play again...

    If factions makes the changes that I posted about than I'll come back and start to play again. But without those changes, factions just isn't factions
  15. ExInfinity

    Been playing on Foxcraft for 4 years

    Been playing on Foxcraft for 4 years
  16. ExInfinity

    Leaving Fox, goodbye y'all!

    it was rhetorical auti**
  17. ExInfinity

    Leaving Fox, goodbye y'all!

    it doesn't but ok