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  1. Faast

    The Empire's Victory against VP-Kingdom and Arcana!

    You cannot call something a democracy that is a democracy in zero ways.
  2. Faast

    The Empire's Victory against VP-Kingdom and Arcana!

    I'd hardly call your "empire" a democracy in any way. You act like this is world war 2 not a minecraft server.
  3. Faast


    Weird, restarting the game normally works for me, check your internet connection?
  4. Faast


    Welcome :)
  5. Faast

    Hi guys

    Welcome! :)
  6. Faast

    The Empire History/Memories Thread - Historical Images (Part 8)

    Did you really need to post this 8 times could you not just put them all into an imgur and post that or put them all in one thread?
  7. Faast

    Factions Season 6 Change log official thread

    To fix the 2 billion tokens just add a limit to the amount of tokens you can have?
  8. Faast

    Hello there!

    Welcome to forums!
  9. Faast

    Factions Season 6 Change log official thread

    You know the ones you have seen claiming to know all is insane. You can think I'm terrible if you want I honestly don't care and I never said I was in a good faction. So what I haven't been on forums for a while that's a very insignificant matter. The fact you even need to make out people are...
  10. Faast

    Factions Season 6 Change log official thread

    If you haven’t seen me play it for years you have no right to comment on how good I am at it and I know how to play perfectly well and you never talked to me on factions years ago please get your facts right. Someones skill at a game can increase a lot over years.
  11. Faast

    I dont like seasons - Factions

    Resets should happen in my opinion. Maybe just spread them out more?
  12. Faast

    Factions Season 6 Change log official thread

    1.I literally never play creative unless there is 0 players on every single other server. 2.Stop replying if I’m so irrelevant. 3. Just because you don’t see someone on doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Ever heard of timezones?
  13. Faast

    Factions Season 6 Change log official thread

    Actually I do so no thanks :)
  14. Faast


    Welcome! :)